Posts in the Superheroes Category (Page 2)

DIY Spider-Verse Costume Ideas [DIY]

DIY Spider-Verse Costume Ideas

So you decided to wear a Spider-Man costume, but you don't want to look like everyone else. What are your options? Thankfully, there's an entire Spider-Verse of costumes waiting for you! We'll share some easier Spider-Man costumes you can make yourself by tossing a few items together. You'll feel ready to attend a Comic-Con or Halloween party in style! And remember, with great DIYing comes great costume-ability.


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Moon Knight Mr. Knight DIY [Costume Tutorial]

Moon Knight Mr. Knight DIY

If you watched Marvel's Moon Knight, you might have been surprised to see alter ego Steven Grant's "Mr. Knight" costume. Or maybe you knew it was straight out of the Secret Avengers and Moon Knight comics. In any case, the costume made quite a comical appearance! Our first thought—after "whoa, how cool!"—was how easy it would be to make a Mr. Knight DIY. (Costumes are our thing, after all!) Keep reading for the history behind this classy Moon Knight costume and how to pull it off!


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Web-Slinging Women of the Spider-Verse [Infographic]

by |September 7, 2021
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Women of the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man is one of Marvel's most popular comic book superheroes, but did you know that there have been web-slinging women around since the 1970s? Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse introduced us to the likes of Ghost-Spider and SP//dr, but there are far, FAR more female spiders out there. We did our best to track down all of them for you, and maybe someday we'll get to see more of them appearing in Marvel movies and TV shows. If you didn't already know, Earth-616 is where the core of the Marvel universe resides. However, there are tons of alternate realities and Earths where other characters hail from. How many of these women of the Spider-Verse do you know?


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Adaptive Costumes to Make Halloween Accessible for Everyone [Costume Guide]

by |August 20, 2021

Adaptive Costumes to Make Halloween Accessible for Everyone

Costumes are incredibly fun for everyone. But they aren't always that easy to put on or take off, and sometimes they don't feel that comfy. Our goal is to make sure that everyone has as much fun as possible whenever they dress up in our costumes. Whether you're heading out for a night of trick-or-treating at Halloween, enjoying a movie marathon in cosplay costumes, or having a superhero dress-up day at school, everyone should be able to take part! That's why we're happy to offer several styles of wheelchair costumes and adaptive costumes, so all those events are inclusive. Scroll through to see some examples of adaptive Halloween costumes for purchase and to learn how they work!


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Picture Perfect Dog Costumes to Treat Your Furry Friends [Costume Guide]

Picture Perfect Dog Costumes to Treat Your Furry Friends

For many people, Halloween is a family affair. And dogs are generally considered to be part of the family! Putting your dog or cat in a costume used to be considered ridiculous, but the Internet has changed everything! Now folks from all over the world can't wait to embrace dogs in costumes. (It's hard to deny that dogs in costumes are really cute.) Whether you want to get a dog costume for Halloween or another annual event, there are so many choices and styles to consider. Do you want a cosplay dog costume? What about a silly dog costume? Keep reading to find the best dog costume for your furry friend!


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Marvel Costumes for All Ages [Costume Guide]

by |June 18, 2021

Marvel Costumes for All Ages

Superhero costumes have long been a popular theme for Halloween dress-up. Though Spider-Man has always been on top, options have only increased thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And while capes, spandex, and masks have mostly been a kids' game, there are tons of Marvel costumes for adults who want to dress up as their favorite characters from the latest superhero blockbusters. If this sounds like a fun time, then we're sure you'll enjoy this guide to our favorite Marvel costumes for all ages!


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