The Most Iconic Character Beards Ever

by |September 12, 2022
Categories: Costume Guides

The Most Iconic Beards Ever

A beard really makes the character. Would Santa be so jolly without his white-as-snow whiskers? Would Mr. T be so intimidating without his full goatee and sideburns? And can you even imagine Jack Sparrow at ALL without picturing him twirling his facial hair as he stumbled about? No. We love thinking about Halloween costumes for dudes with beards, and, frankly, we can’t get enough of it. Here is our list of the characters with the most iconic beards EVER. We’ve selected only fictional bearded characters (sorry Abe Lincoln and Bob Ross), and this list is in no particular order.


1. Santa Claus

Santa Claus Beard

Shop all Santa Claus costumes

Where to See This Beard: The mall in December; the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade; your house on Christmas Eve.

Type of Beard: Big and bushy; white as snow.

Why It’s Iconic: It’s Santa, c’mon! The most iconic dude out there – big white beard, bright red suit, always laughing. His longest day of work is in the middle of winter, so he HAS to have a beard that magnificent keeping him warm all night long.


2. Gandalf

Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings

[Source: New Line Cinema/IMDb]

Shop all Lord of the Rings costumes

Where to See This Beard: The Lord of the Rings trilogy; The Hobbit trilogy.

Type of Beard: When grey – long, unruly, bushy. When white – still long, less unruly.

Why It’s Iconic: Gandalf’s beard is iconic because he truly is adorned with THE wizard’s beard. You know that “wizard hair, don’t care” is his motto, especially in Gandalf the Grey form, because nothing on that head saw a brush at any point in his adventures.


3. Dumbledore

Dumbledore from Harry Potter

[Source: Warner Bros./IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: The Harry Potter movies.

Type of Beard: Wizard style, and then some.

Why It’s Iconic: Gandalf walked, so Dumbledore could run. A headmaster dealing with drama that plagues Hogwarts every minute of its existence doesn’t have TIME to have such a beard in his way. Dumbledore remedies this problem by tying his iconic beard into the fanciest ponytail, with mini charms and everything.


4. Walter White

Breaking Bad's Walter White

[Source: AMC/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: Breaking Bad.

Type of Beard: Classic goatee.

Why It’s Iconic: The story of meek science teacher turned heartless drug kingpin was groundbreaking in the golden age of TV, and no other person comes to mind more clearly when thinking of the show than Heisenberg himself. Sure, he starts the show with only a mustache, but that clean cut, yet somehow menacing goatee shows up at the end of the second season and stays strong throughout.


5. Captain Jack Sparrow

Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean

[Source: Disney/IMDb]

Shop all Jack Sparrow costumes

Where to See This Beard: The Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Type of Beard: Triple combo of mustache, soul patch, and crazy two-braid long chin strap.

Why It’s Iconic: A pirate’s life is a beard stylist’s life. There’s nothing like being on the seven seas, probably DRUNK, and taking the time to perfectly braid two little sections of your braid, like every day. Iconic.


6. Chuck Noland

Cast Away Chuck Noland

[Source: 20th Century Fox & Dreamworks/IMDb]

Where to See This Beard: Cast Away.

Type of Beard: Man deserted on a desert island chic.

Why It’s Iconic: Tom Hanks in Cast Away does an incredible job on screen with not much more than the ocean and a volleyball, but his beard acts as a benchmark for the passage of time. It’s long, scraggly, unkempt, but hey – there are more things to worry about while stranded for years and years than keeping your beard looking fresh.


7. The Dude

The Dude

[Source: Gramercy/IMDb]

Shop all Big Lebowski costumes

Where to See This Beard: The Big Lebowski.

Type of Beard: Somewhat long goatee, sometimes dipped in a White Russian.

Why It’s Iconic: What ISN’T iconic about the Dude, let’s be real. Just his whole vibe is goals. The scruffy facial hair just adds to the laid back, Californian charm of the character. However, the untrimmed mustache does get in the way a bit while sipping on a creamy beverage.


8. Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump Beard

[Source: Paramount Pictures/Esquire]

Shop all Forrest Gump costumes

Where to See This Beard: Forrest Gump.

Type of Beard: The type of beard you’d grow if you ran across the entire United States without stopping to shave.

Why It’s Iconic: Sometimes you have a lot going on in your life and the only way to deal with all those emotions is just to start running. Nope, don’t stop to think about why or consider other coping mechanisms. Just run across the country. You’ll grow a sick beard and also invent the smiley face somehow.


9. Khal Drogo

Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones

[Source: HBO/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: Game of Thrones.

Type of Beard: Braided and beautiful.

Why It’s Iconic: Even the Dothraki warlord has time to maintain a perfectly-styled beard, no matter if he’s on path to attack Westeros or not. Things might not have turned out too happily for Drogo and his wonderful facial hair, but at least things are looking up for his Khaleesi.


10. Hagrid

Hagrid from Harry Potter

[Source: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: The Harry Potter movies.

Type of Beard: Really, really, really big and bushy.

Why It’s Iconic: Hagrid was the very first magical friend that Harry met when he learned he was a wizard. The Keeper of Grounds/Professor of Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts was a character you could always count on to have Harry’s back, and the fact that he had the biggest and fluffiest beard we’ve ever seen made the character even more lovable.


11. Steve Zissou

Steve Zissou from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

[Source: Touchstone Pictures/IMDb]

Where to See This Beard: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.

Type of Beard: Just a classic beard, mostly grey.

Why It’s Iconic: Witty, mysterious, whimsical – Steve Zissou is not exempt from the eccentric qualities that Wes Anderson imbues his characters with. His white beard is iconic, but only when paired with a fire engine red beanie and an all blue outfit.


12. Clubber Lang

Clubber Lang from Rocky III

[Source: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: Rocky III.

Type of Beard: Goatee with some major muttonchops attached.

Why It’s Iconic: Portrayed by Mr. T, Rocky’s rival in his third movie donned the same amazing facial hair as the actor did in real life. How intimidating would it to be nose to nose with someone who has more muttonchops than face?


13. Pai Mei

Pai Mei from Kill Bill 2

[Source: Miramax/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: Kill Bill 2.

Type of Beard: Completely white; soft as a feather; long and flowing, like a waterfall.

Why It’s Iconic: Pei Mei taught all the greats how to fight – The Bride, Elle Driver, and Bill himself. He was a tough master, but what was most striking about the character was his facial hair. A beautiful white mustache growing down into a long, flowing beard.


14. RJ MacReady

RJ MacReady from The Thing

[Source: The Turman-Foster Company/IMDb]

Where to See This Beard: The Thing.

Type of Beard: Fashion AND function – a beard to keep you warm in the depths of the Antarctic.

Why It’s Iconic: Serving as a great benchmark to tell the audience just HOW cold it was outside, MacReady’s beard was almost a character of its own in The Thing. Whenever Kurt Russell’s character made it back inside the base station with his beard covered in snow and frost, you could actually feel the subzero temperatures in your bones.


15. Mr. Miyagi

Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid

[Source: Columbia Pictures/IMDb]

Shop all Karate Kid costumes

Where to See This Beard: The Karate Kid movies.

Type of Beard: Understated, manicured, and salt-and-pepper colored.

Why It’s Iconic: The wise mentor and talented instructor taught Daniel-san a lot more than just karate. Miyagi’s look was just as disciplined as his practice was – yet, he still came off as kind and someone you could rely on.


16. Wolverine

Wolverine from X-Men

[Source: 20th Century Fox/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: The X-Men movies.

Type of Beard: A whooole lotta mutton chop, bub.

Why It’s Iconic: Who do you think of when you think mutton chops? These are THE iconic sideburns – from the comics to Hugh Jackman’s portrayal on the big screen, Wolvy’s wild look stayed true. We mean, if you’re named after an animal, your fur, ahem, facial hair should follow suit.


17. Gimli

Gimli from Lord of the Rings

[Source: New Line Cinema/IMDb]

Where to See This Beard: The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Type of Beard: Quintessential dwarf beard… with flair.

Why It’s Iconic: Sure, in a world where you have beautiful hobbit curls and unearthly blond, silky elven tresses, a dwarf’s locks might not be the most glamorous. But, in the heat of battle, our favorite dwarven warrior still takes the time to keep his ruddy red beard looking nice and full and his mustache ends perfectly braided.


18. Mugatu

Mugatu from Zoolander

[Source: Paramount Pictures/IMDb]

Mugatu Costume

Where to See This Beard: Zoolander.

Type of Beard: Uhhh… bright white and one big curl?

Why It’s Iconic: While basic people might think that Mugatu’s stylized beard would best belong in the North Pole in Santa’s Workshop, the world of high fashion knows that it’s the height of couture. How does he keep that thing so perfect?!


19. Tormund

Tormund from Game of Thrones

[Source: HBO/IMDb]

Where to See This Beard: Game of Thrones.

Type of Beard: Like Santa, but dark red… aaaand a little crazier.

Why It’s Iconic: Just like MacReady in The Thing, when Tormund’s red beard is covered in ice and snow, you can just tell how cold it is north of the Wall. Sure, he’s got the temperament and style sensibility of a Wildling, but there’s something about that dark red beard that we absolutely love.


20. Seneca Crane

Seneca Crane from Hunger Games

[Source: Color Force & Lionsgate/Kill Screen]

Shop all Hunger Games costumes

Where to See This Beard: The Hunger Games.

Type of Beard: Literally like nothing you’ve seen before.

Why It’s Iconic: Listen – Seneca was the Head Gamemaker of the Hunger Games, he had to coordinate and design the ENTIRE event that year, make sure everything went to plan, and he STILL had time to maintain that incredibly intricate facial hair design. Type A personality, for sure.


21. Jafar

Jafar from Aladdin

[Source: Walt Disney Pictures/]

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Where to See This Beard: Aladdin.

Type of Beard: Thin manicured lines with a statement beard.

Why It’s Iconic: Jafar was definitely not a nice guy, but man, that guy had some style. In his pursuit to obtain the genie’s lamp, you can just tell that the film’s antagonist lives for power and will act like a sneaky snake to get what he wants. His curly goatee matches that perfectly….


22. Davy Jones

Davy Jones from The Pirates of the Caribbean

[Source: Disney/IMDb]

Shop all Pirates of the Caribbean costumes

Where to See This Beard: The Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Type of Beard: Well, it’s an octopus.

Why It’s Iconic: The undead ruler of the Seven Seas sported a very squid-y beard during his appearances in the Pirates films. Davy Jones was a sea captain who, after he died, had his beard replaced with octopus tentacles. How much more iconic can you get? PLUS, he could use the beard as another set of hands! That’s so useful.


23. Lando Calrissian

Lando Calrissian from Solo: A Star Wars Story

[Source: Lucasfilm/Walt Disney Pictures/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Type of Beard: Suave, smooth, and intergalactic.

Why It’s Iconic: Billy Dee Williams originated the role in the original Star Wars (and perfectly so), but Donald Glover brought his own style to the character in the 2018 film, and that included a full beard. It works. Not scruffy at all.


24. Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf

[Source: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: Teen Wolf.

Type of Beard: Full. A full beard. Like, a head to toe beard.

Why It’s Iconic: Michael J. Fox played a high schooler with an unfortunate pre-existing genetic condition. While he thought he was struggling with puberty changes, Fox’s character was actually turning into a werewolf. And that, our friends, is what gives him the ULTIMATE iconic character beard ever.


25. Jules Winnfield

Jules from Pulp Fiction

[Source: Miramax/IMDb]

Shop all Pulp Fiction costumes

Where to See This Beard: Pulp Fiction.

Type of Beard: Curly and mean.

Why It’s Iconic: After a certain topical video featuring Samuel L. Jackson’s character went viral this latest news cycle, we said “OH YEAH!” we HAVE to include Jules in our beard list. Even though he was scary as all get out playing a hitman, he looked beyond cool doing it.


26. "Monsieur" Calvin J. Candie

Calvin Candie from Django Unchained

[Source: Columbia Pictures/IMDb]

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Where to See This Beard: Django Unchained

Type of Beard: Well-groomed, gentlemanly, yet somehow sinister.

Why It’s Iconic: You have probably seen that meme with Leonardo DiCaprio holding up a wine glass. It was Leo as Calvin J. Candie from Django Unchained. He looks so smug it makes you want to knock his teeth out, but it's also a great meme costume. What would your caption be?


What beards did we miss? If we expanded this list to best mustaches, you know Ron Burgundy would be at the very top. Let us know in the comments if we didn’t include any of your favorites!

MaDonna Flowers
MaDonna Flowers

MaDonna is a Brand Specialist at and has dressed up as a cat well over a dozen times in her life for the holiday. Last year, she dressed as her favorite skeleton, Jaunty.

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