DIY Walking Dead Governor's Fish Tank

by |October 11, 2013
Categories: Decor, DIY, Horror, Television

One of the most iconic sets on The Walking Dead (heck, maybe all of TV!) is the Governor's secret chill pad... the one that has an entire wall composed of decomposed zombie heads in fish tanks. We loved this so much that we thought it would make for some absolutely creepy and actually pretty easy DIY Halloween decor! Not gonna lie, after we finished we had the urge to just sit back, relax, and watch the zombie fish tank for a couple of hours...


The Walking Dead Governor's Fish Tank DIY—Finished Look

Walking Dead Zombie Head Fishtank DIY

Creepiest man cave ever? Probably.


If you want to make your own, this is how we did it!

  • First, we got an empty 10-gallon fish tank. Many of you probably have one of these lying around stored away somewhere from when you once had that hampster (we know, tragic story, sorry to bring it up), but in case you don't have one they're not too expensive at your local big box store. Having a fish tank is kind of necessary when making DIY fish tank decor.
  • Then we took our prop zombie heads and placed them in the tank. After that, we just added water. The heads have to soak up a lot of the water before they stop floating, but we also put a lid on top so they couldn't bob up too far.
  • Next, we put in a tiny, TINY, bit of white acrylic paint to give the water that murky look. 
  • Last, we placed a black light underneath for the perfect eerie glow. If you feel like the light is too intense, you can always lay a tablecloth or sheet under the fish tank for the light to filter through. it will also help to hide your light contraption, so that's an added bonus!


Products Used for the Governor's Fish Tank DIY

Walking Dead DIY Governor's Fish Tank Accessories

Decapitated Head PropHead in a Jar PropAttack on Titan Armin WigIntense Black Light

You're going to want to have a couple of different prop heads to work with. (After all, wouldn't it look weird for them all to be the same?) You can even attach a wig to one of the heads with glue to add some variety too. Don't forget your light either! We highly recommend using a black light, but you're welcome to play with other Halloween lighting ideas.


And voila! You have some wicked Halloween decor that will be appreciated by Walking Dead fans, or really anyone with a keen eye for scary Halloween props. We recommend placing it up at the bar at your party, or in the windows of your house, so all the neighbors can see what you're into these days.

Chris Harder

Chris Harder is copywriting manager at

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