DIY BoJack Horseman and Princess Carolyn Couples Costume

by |October 27, 2015

Bojack Horseman and Princess Carolyn Couples Costume DIY

What came first, the creepy horse mask or BoJack Horseman? We like to think that's a theological question better reserved for the philosophers. After all, the talking horse has been a bit of a spirit animal in pop culture dating as far back as Mr. Ed and however many tons of peanut butter the poor beast chewed throughout his career. No matter the origins, or our strange fascination with talking horses, the Netflix original hit BoJack Horseman made an immediate impact on an adult-themed cartoon universe. Competing with other big names like Family Guy, Rick and Morty, or really anything else you'll find on Fox or Adult Swim, it's the kind of show that makes immediate sense on an entirely offbeat and sarcastic level.

For anyone unfamiliar with the show, we follow a washed-up, 90s sitcom dad through trial and tribulation as he struggles to find purpose in a world that outgrew the days of cheesy sweaters and soft piano themed "touching moments" wrapped nicely with a 30-minutes-solves-everything bow. (Think of the end of every Full House ever and you get the idea.) Slightly depressed, very foul-mouthed, entitled, and all around lost, you somehow still find a way to love poor old BoJack as he gropes his way through a world that outgrew him, and yet, that desperately hopes he lands back on his feet.

If you are a fan of the show, you just might be considering a BoJack Horseman couples costume this year. But being a human and all, the task may seem a bit daunting at first. Fear not, long-faced friend, this BoJack and Princess Carolyn couples costume guide will be sure to give you what you need.


DIY BoJack Horseman Costume and Princess Carolyn Halloween Costume

Bojack Horseman and Princess Carolyn Halloween Costume

Pulling off this on-again/off-again, cross-species couples costume isn’t too hard, as long as you have the right gear! These costumes are a great mix of crafting, makeup, and thrift store shopping. Take a look at the products we used from


Products Used

BoJack Halloween Costume DIY

Latex Horse Mask           Pink Fishnet Tights

Cat Whiskers      Red Glitter Heels

Pink Wigs     Blue Dress


The Final Look: BoJack Horseman Halloween Costume

Bojack Horseman Halloween Costume

BoJack’s look is simple, but you need three very important pieces to make this costume work, otherwise, you’re just a dude with a horse head. There’s the mask, of course, but take a trip to your local thrift store to find a gray blazer and a blue, cheesy 90s dad sweater. You’ll know them when you see them, trust us. After you find those, layer them all together with some jeans and sneakers, and perfect your sad, defeated poses.


The Final Look: Princess Carolyn Costume

Princess Carolyn Halloween Costume


Princess Carolyn takes a bit more crafting than BoJack, but it is easy stuff:

  • First, flip that Beemo dress inside out! Voila, instant teal mini dress.
  • Then, we created the fish on her dress by cutting about a dozen out of yellow felt and using double sided tape to stick them on.
  • We found the mustard colored cardigan and belt from the thrift store.
  • To create her necklace, we cut a triangle from the same yellow felt and taped a circle-shaped piece of red felt to the front of it. The necklace part is a piece of yellow ribbon and we attached the triangle to it with a piece of thin yarn.
  • For the wig, we just pulled it back into a low ponytail and clipped the bangs up to get that mini-pompadour look that Carolyn rocks.
  • Lastly, we pinked the model! We used pink face paint and went to town. Everywhere! Here’s a tip, though: avoid having to color her arms and legs by wearing pink fishnet tights. For the arms, we just cut the legs and toes off a second pair of the tights and wore them as sleeves. It’s a great time saver!


There you have it! If you have a group, too, there are plenty more characters from the show that you could add to the costume – like Todd, the slacker, Mr. Peanutbutter, the puppy, and Diane, BoJack’s ghostwriter. Show us in the comments if you decide to go as the characters from BoJack Horseman! Happy Halloween!

Marlon Heimerl
Marlon Heimerl

Marlon is’s Inbound Marketing Manager and the person in the office who instantly thinks that the hum of a faulty air conditioner is without-a-doubt a ghost. His passion for all things spooky, wonderment for the unknown, and admittedly gullible nature, make him a sucker for the paranormal. Having logged more time watching TED talks and documentaries than most valley girls spend primping their Chihuahuas, Marlon is always up for some intellectual sparring.

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