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If your costume would look great with a toy gun at your side, don't hesitate. Shop our realistic toy guns right here to complete your costume theme! With a huge selection that includes toy guns for kids and realistic toy guns with orange safety tips, you'll be able to find a plastic toy gun that will be the perfect fit for your next costume character.
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Pirate Flintlock Pistol
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Prop AK 47 Toy Gun
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CLUE Revolver Weapon_Update
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Inflatable Toy Gun
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Adult Bullet Belt Upd 2
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Gun and Grenade Set
Inflatable Gangster Machine Gun
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Jungle Kombatter Rifle
Toy Police Gun
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Toy Police Gun

Toy Gun Gangster Prop
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Kids Flintlock Pistol
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Adult Cop Costume Belt
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Prop Flamethrower Accessory from Alien
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Bumblebee Movie Plasma Blaster Accessory
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Gold Toy Gun Accessory
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Astronaut Space Pack
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If you're going in a soldier costume, or as a cop, or even a cowboy, your costume just wouldn't look quite right without our realistic toy guns for kids. We have a whole range of different types from rifles to handguns (all fake, of course) and they really add an extra detail to your costume. Going as a sci-fi warrior? Got ya covered. And if that weren't enough, we have lots more that go with all your favorite TV and Movie characters. Or, if your child just wants to pretend they're a cowboy they're going to need a six shooter toy gun. Check them all out for the one that fits your look this season. How To

Toy Guns for Kids

Toy Guns for Kids

Kids are lucky. You could give them a rock, a leaf, and some sand, and in a few hours, they'll have a castle made with a whole society running. Give them another hour, and they might have their own language created. We seriously need to take a lesson from kids on using our imaginations to have fun. You should check out our Toy Guns for Kids to show your child a great time while stimulating their growing minds. Not only are some officially licensed, but they also come in all forms, so you and your kid will have loads of options for playtime. Make sure you and yours have a stellar time this Halloween, and check out our Toy Guns for Kids.

Nerf Gun Toys

Nerf guns have always been a staple when it comes to playtime. You can have all sorts of fun with Nerf guns, depending on what you are into. You can go military style, line up pop cans, and see who has the best shot. Or you could play capture the flag on the playground. Yeah, water guns are good for that too, but there is nothing like nailing that perfect shot from on top of the jungle gym. If you want to give playtime the flair that only a Nerf product can bring, make sure you pick up our officially licensed Nerf Gun Toys.

Rick and Morty Portal Guns

Rick and Morty is an excellent cartoon with an even better premise—a kid and his grandfather going on an adventure throughout the multiverse. It sounds pretty wholesome until you meet Grandpa Rick. Things get even more insane when you realize that Rick is smart enough to invent a portal gun to traverse said multiverse. What would you do if you were Morty? Probably the same thing he does—try to hold on for the ride. We think Rick and Morty are great, and Rick's gadgets are even better. Upgrade your Halloween costume this year and check out our Rick and Morty Portal Gun.

Stormtrooper Blasters

The Empire is evil. Most people who have seen Star Wars (and even some who haven't) won't put up much argument on that front. We know they are bad guys, but you have to love that Stormtrooper armor. It looks a little clunky, but we are sure it is filled with all sorts of cool gadgets and sensors. Make sure you stand out at the next convention and complete your cosplay with a Stormtrooper Blaster. You may get a few glares from a Jedi or two, but that means the outfit is working.

Clone Trooper Blasters

Being a clone would be weird. It would be especially peculiar if you were a clone in the Republic army. You look and sound like everybody you work with. They would probably get a bit stir-crazy if they didn't traverse the galaxy. Luckily, they do have their own personalities. The clones even tend to change their aesthetic, so they are not identical. Clone Troopers are pretty intelligent, cool, and would make a great Halloween costume. Make sure you have the most stellar Star Wars costume accessory and pick up a Clone Trooper Blaster.

Halloween Toy Guns

Halloween costumes come in all shapes and forms. You have a ton of options to choose from. If you are looking for suitable armament to accompany your outfit, you must check out our Halloween Toy Guns. We think having the right toy gun will take a great costume and make it one for the ages. Who doesn't want to be the person in the work Halloween party picture with the Tommy gun and matching zoot suit? Or the soldier, holding the toy AK-47, with all the pride of a Purple Heart recipient. If you want to make your Halloween one to remember, make sure you are equipped with the proper ordinance, and check out our Halloween Toy Guns.

Ghostbusters Proton Blasters

Ghostbusters Proton Blasters

The Ghostbusters don't get a lot of credit. Would you walk around New York City with a nuclear device on your back so that you could zap ghosts for civilians? Yeah, that is what we thought. Don't worry; we aren't jumping to bust any ghosts either. We would much rather dress up like our favorite genius ghost fighters than anything. If you agree and want a quantum surge in your Halloween costume, you must check out our Ghostbusters Proton Blaster. It's a lot safer than rocking an actual proton pack.

Army Toy Guns

Army Toy Guns

We have all played Army Commander before. It was a playground staple, like tag or hide and go seek. There is nothing like gathering the troops (your friends) and moving out to your next mission (the swing set). Sometimes, traversing that sandbox can be treacherous, but at least you know you have our Army Toy Guns if things get hairy. Not only do they look great, but they pair great with one of our many army costumes. Make sure you are ready for anything, soldier, and check out these Army Toy Guns.

Toy Machine Guns

The Machine Gun revolutionized warfare battle. Reloading after every shot uses precious seconds you could be using to get the upper hand on your opponent. It's no wonder the Machine Gun is so ubiquitous in our armed forces. If you want to give a salute to our brothers in arms or simply have a sick commando costume you are looking to complete, consider picking up a Toy Machine Gun. You will look great during your next mission or the next Halloween party. Happy hunting soldier, and good luck.

Toy Tommy Guns

You can't think of the Tommy Gun without immediately thinking of mobsters of the 20s. Though these folks were doing crimes, it's hard not to admire the guys somewhat. They commanded so much authority and looked so good while doing it. It's hard not to idolize them, capos and all. If you have an affinity for the mob and want your costume to reflect this, you should pick up a Toy Tommy Gun. Not only will you look authentic, but it's a lot cheaper (and safer) than a real Tommy gun. Be a wise guy and check out our Toy Tommy Guns. Monster