Posts in the Humor Category

15 Horror Movies Filmed in Allegedly Haunted Locations

by |May 27, 2024
Categories: Humor, Movies

Horror Movies Filmed in Allegedly Haunted Locations

We have seen plenty of cases where movie sets have allegedly become haunted for one reason or another, such as Poltergeist and The Exorcist. However, some directors chose to film in an already haunted location. We'll look at fifteen movies that were shot in allegedly haunted locations before a movie camera was ever on set. Does the atmosphere make their films better? Are any allegedly haunted locations best left alone? We'll have to see how it all unfolds!


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100 Days of School Costume Ideas for Kids

by |January 24, 2024

100 Days of School Costume Ideas for Kids

For many kids, the number 100 is a big milestone. Whether it's counting to 100 for the first time or realizing you just hit your 100th day of school, it's a huge deal! The actual day depends on the school district, but many schools will celebrate 100 days of school in January or February. If your child is taking part in these school festivities, they may want to wear a 100 days of school outfit. Check out our selection of centenarian costumes for kids below!


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Halloween Costumes for Teachers

by |October 22, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Humor

Halloween Costumes for Teachers

Once a year, teachers get to lower the veil between being a responsible educator and the silly little fun-havers that they are in real life (or "IRL" as the kids say). But you're a teacher, and you want a Halloween costume that's fun, appropriate, and shares your love of learning with your students. Well, you've come to the right place! We've rounded up the best costumes for teachers and even separated them by subject. (Though, if we're keeping it real, all teachers collectively specialize in one thing: witty comebacks for, "What? I'm just texting my mom!") Hold on to your seats, blackboard bandits—costume school is now in session!


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Alien Costumes for Humans to Make Any Event Extra (Terrestrial)

by |October 12, 2023

Alien Costumes for Humans

2023 is shaping up to be the year of aliens and UFOs—or unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) as they're now being called.


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25 Costume Ideas for Bald Dudes [Costume Guide]

by |October 7, 2023

Costume Ideas for Bald Dudes

When dressing up for Halloween, most people accentuate their best features. Maybe something sleeveless to show off those muscles, or a costume highlighting their long hair or a beard. But some people have a round, shiny noggin and want to dress up in style. That's great and we totally support it! In fact, it's why we put together this ultimate guide of costume ideas for bald dudes! There are so many awesome bald characters that it's going to be tough to pick your favorite bald costume idea.


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54 Costume Ideas for Dudes With Beards: The Ultimate Resource! [Costume Guide]

by |October 2, 2023

Costume Ideas for Dudes with Beards

What do you do when you have a big old beard and you’re trying to come up with a Halloween costume with a beard? You use it, of course! Embrace that facial hair and let it be part of your ensemble. There’s no reason you need to shave just for Halloween, just get a costume for dudes with beards and you're set! No matter if you have a little stubble, a fine mustache, a long goatee, or a long flowing beard, there’s a costume choice for you. We spent some time combing through the farthest reaches of the internet for inspiration for all you whiskered gentlemen. (There are only so many times guys with beards can put on a dress for a bearded lady costume!) We're looking to create real Halloween costumes for men with beards! (Maybe someday you can find funny beard costumes or costumes for beards!) The sky is the limit here.


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