All Posts Tagged 'historical'

50 State Costume Ideas from Sea to Shining Sea

by |June 7, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

50 State Costume Ideas

Have you ever wondered which Halloween costume represents your home state? While there are likely multiple good answers, we will list a single favorite Halloween costume state by state. Will Wisconsin be beer or cheese? Do you think Florida is an alligator or a snowbird? See what our Halloween costume experts think! We're not out to hurt your feelings, but we'd love to hear your thoughts. Keep reading to see the 50 states of America represented by Halloween costumes!


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Costume Ideas for Women With Short Hair [Costume Guide]

Costume Ideas for Women With Short Hair

Have you ever wanted to dress in a Halloween character costume that looked like you? This can be a great option if you're not fond of fussing with wigs. But how many female characters have short hair? We're not talking about characters that look like they have short hair because it's in a bun or a tight updo, but characters with hair that is barely shoulder-length or shorter. (We're also avoiding gender-bent male characters for this one.) Keep reading for a list of short-haired female characters who would make excellent Halloween costumes!


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Costumes That Start With K [Costume Guide]

by |May 3, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Costumes That Start With K

Anyone keen on dressing up for fun costume themes should consider costumes by letter. Often referred to as letter parties, guests are assigned a letter that their costume should reflect, either through the luck of the draw or assignment in the invitation. Letter costumes have even been done for school spirit week! No matter the occasion, what costume would you wear for the letter "K"? Take a peek at these cool letter "K" costume ideas.


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Costumes That Start With R [Costume Guide]

by |April 12, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Costumes That Start With R

Are you ready for your next costume party? These letter "R" costumes are as regal as they are radical! You can party in a Renaissance costume or as a raccoon or Regina George. There's really no stopping you from picking something you'd like. Reasons why you might choose a costume that starts with "R" include letter parties or just because you want a challenge. It doesn't really matter why—we can show you just how incredible these letter "R" costumes can be!


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Costumes That Start With Q [Costume Guide]

by |April 3, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Costumes That Start With Q

Who doesn't love to attend a costume party once in a while? People love themed costume parties, one of which is a letter party. Maybe it's for someone's birthday or a bachelorette party—even a party that's just for fun among friends is a great time! But what do you do if you pull the letter "Q"? For starters, we will show everyone that we're not quitters! Here is a selection of costumes that start with "Q" to quench your imagination.


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Costumes That Start With E [Costume Guide]

by |April 1, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Costumes That Start With E

Prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey through the enchanting realm of costume creativity, where the letter "E" reigns supreme! Whether you're gearing up for a lively costume party, Halloween extravaganza, or simply seeking an excuse to infuse some whimsy into your day, these dazzling letter "E" costumes are your ticket to a world of magical excitement.


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