All Posts Tagged 'haunted'

15 Horror Movies Filmed in Allegedly Haunted Locations

by |May 27, 2024
Categories: Horror, Movies

Horror Movies Filmed in Allegedly Haunted Locations

We have seen plenty of cases where movie sets have allegedly become haunted for one reason or another, such as Poltergeist and The Exorcist. However, some directors chose to film in an already haunted location. We'll look at fifteen movies that were shot in allegedly haunted locations before a movie camera was ever on set. Does the atmosphere make their films better? Are any allegedly haunted locations best left alone? We'll have to see how it all unfolds!


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Haunted History: 19 Real and Allegedly Cursed Objects

by |September 25, 2023
Categories: Resource

Haunted History: 19 Real and Allegedly Cursed Objects

The world is full of strange and unusual things. Sometimes, there simply is no explanation to be found! Whether or not you consider yourself a superstitious person, several objects around the world seem to be tied to more than their share of bad luck. If you love haunted history, be prepared! We love all things Halloween and macabre, so let's look at several of the world's most notorious haunted items.


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