Moana Halloween Costumes
Feeling inspired by Moana’s adventurous spirit? Well, there’s only one thing to do! Look over where the light shines on the sea? Can you see? It’s so blinding! Sailing into that sun would be tough. So, turn back to us and we’ll get you ready for a Moana-worthy adventure that’s easier to see!

Getting caught up in Disney’s Moana isn't difficult. The music gets everyone singing along. Each character, from dopey chicken to villainous coconut pirate, has everyone charmed. And the story, well, it feels like your story. Even if you've never once wanted to sail along the line where the sky meets the sea, you've come to the right place to find what you need to write your own Moana story. We stock everything from Hawaiian costumes that'll get you ready for modern island luaus, to sailor costumes that will get you looking less tropical but perfectly prepared to take on the ocean. With our selection, we can’t wait to see how far you’ll go!
Moana Costume for Kids
Given a seed, a child will grow a wild garden. So, it makes sense that when Disney planted the idea of sailing into the vast unknown with music, hilarious characters, and beautiful imagery, Moana became a massive forest of inspiration. From recess with friends to solo playtimes, an adventure always unfolds for your child. They set their eyes on the line where the sky meets the sea, or their carpet meets the wall, and head into whatever world they've created for Moana to explore. They recruit you to play the role of Maui and the Kakamora pirates. And when the opportunity arrives, they get their siblings and cousins in on the fun as Hei Hei or Pua. Make sure every chance to become Moana is the best with costumes for every child in the family. From adorable piggies to officially licensed exclusives, you’ll find more seeds for them to plant!
Moana Costume for Toddlers

They know five words from “You’re Welcome,” but at least it involves the good-mannered phrase. It’ll serve them well when Halloween rolls around. But until it’s time to trick-or-treat, you may want a different soundtrack for playtime. While you don’t mind hearing, “you’re welcome and thank you,” mixed in with the humming, jumping, and silly shrieks, your mini-Maui will love shapeshifting into more of Moana’s vibrant characters. From leading lady to animal companion, our Moana selection is a great place to start! Grab our officially licensed toddler Moana costume to get your tiny tot ready for another adventure. Or explore our full toddler costume selection and empower your little one to see just how far their imagination goes!
Baby Moana Costume

To say Moana is anything but charming would be a lie. The movie opens with storytime and baby Moana staring admiringly at her grandma. You're familiar with getting that look of wide-eyed fascination and can't help but imagine your itty bitty infant in Moana's place. Before they're ready to take to the ocean and return the Heart of Te Fiti, though, they're more than content to be the sidekick to your Moana. Take inspiration from the movie and get your little one looking sweet as Moana’s equally adorable pet. With our selection of piggy costumes, they easily become a precious pink Pua. Only this time, Pua is sure to feel safe and cozy and ready for any adventure their favorite person has planned!
Hei Hei Costume

If there is anything that cracks your child up more, they haven’t found it. Hei Hei is their absolute favorite for comedy, and we have no problem seeing why. Hei Hei is a riot! A consummate klutz, bug-eyed, and always surprising, that colorful chicken makes people smile. For kids, that easy call to attention is a win-win! Help your kiddo entertain with the help of our Hei Hei costumes. Whether they’ve learned how to deliver a joke you can understand or they’re still relying on good ol’ fashioned gags, with Hei Hei on your child’s team, they’ll always bring the good times. And whether they move on to original material or stick with the classics, our full selection of chicken costumes will help them cross that proverbial road!
Pua Costume

Cuddly, cute, and classic, Pua is the Disney pet everyone can agree on. The biggest complaint about the wee piggy is that they don't get more screen time. At home, your child insists on replaying all the Pua scenes just to get enough of the precious pig. And at playtime, it's always Pua sprinting around the house. It's happened enough that an outrageous sensation has taken over the family—everyone wants to be Pua. Prevent any squabbling with accessory kits for every member of the family. Whether everyone becomes that sweet swine or transforms into a different critter, our selection will help you and yours release their inner animal for some wild dress-up adventures!
Moana Costume Adult
You knew, when the movie came out, it would only be a matter of time before you'd be the one asked to wear a Moana costume. Wearing costumes is the playful hazard everyone accepts the risk of when having a child or befriending a Disney-obsessed person. Like it or not, at some point, one or both will ask you to be a part of their game of dress-up. And whether it's for a Halloween party or playtime, we're here to help you get in character! Want to impress your loved ones with your commitment to their Moana schemes? Read on to learn how you can do more than simply wear the pandanus-inspired skirt and tapa top with our wide selection of Disney costumes and accessories!
Disney Moana Costume

Playtime is about to get boatloads more fun with a Moana costume! We dare you to put on the skirt and top and not feel ready for the seafaring adventures your child dreams up. In our experience, it's not possible. And it's made more difficult by adding the accessories that bring your inner Moana out and set your everyday self to relax on the beach. So, give in! Feel the wind in your hair. Feel the sun on your skin. Whether you keep the fun inside or take it with you to your yard, all you'll need is a wig to truly become the intrepid princess. Choose long, textured Moana wigs from our Disney selection for an authentic look. Or keep a clearer view of the ocean with our other adventurous wigs that are sure to keep playtime moving forward!
Women’s Moana Costume

Every Halloween, you expect your friend to reveal their newest couple’s costume idea, and you know it'll be Disney-inspired. With so many characters, there's never a shortage of costume ideas. But if your friend gets to walk around looking like the sun-soaked demi-god Maui or Te Fiti herself, you'll want to step up your Moana look to something more heatwave appropriate as well! Shake up people's expectations for Disney fun with costumes that take inspiration from all your favorite movies and characters available in our sexy women’s costume selection. Just don't forget to pair your eye-catching look with costume jewelry to match! From the Heart of Te Fiti to shimmering earrings Tamatoa would love, we've got the embellishments you're looking for!
Moana Halloween Costume DIY Ideas
Moana is full of fantastic characters. From the star of the show to the one-scene scene-stealers, it’s hard not to appreciate each to some degree. Unfortunately, when it comes time to step into your favorite character’s shoes, there isn’t always a ready-made costume available. As costume aficionados, however, we’re here to help your make all your costume dreams a reality—even when we don’t have exactly what you’re looking for. With our massive selection of costumes and accessories and the following Moana DIY guide we’ll have you ready for even the largest group costume ideas. Discover the key to creating a clever Maui costume or be inspired to bring a more obscure Moana character to life!
Maui Costume

Let's face it, Maui's look doesn't offer a lot in the way of clothing. A skirt of leaves is all the demi-god wears throughout the entire movie. We get it. He's a demi-god. He can wear whatever he wants. But that does make getting dressed like Maui a bit chancy. If you want to make it happen, though, you're welcome for the ideas we've pulled from our selection! Maui said it himself, "…it's a lot, the hair, the bod…" and you'll need options to replicate a demi-god. We suggest starting with the hair! That full mane of curls is a crucial characteristic, and our wig selection has plenty of dark curls to offer. Pairing the wig with a Hawaiian leaf skirt, a necklace featuring bones, and a sickle to work your transformation magic is also a must. Just don't forget to check out our temporary tattoo selection to create your own tapestry of victories.
Maui Shapeshifter Costume

Love the idea of being Maui for Halloween, but want to mix it up? Maybe keep it cool by dressing for the chilly season? Give shapeshifter Maui a try! Dressed in all the accessories listed above, plus one of our exclusive animal costumes, you'll be a real costume contest contender! Stick to the shark, lizard, or bird vibes the ordinary demi-guy transforms into or explore all we have to offer to create even wilder (or cleverer) Maui mishaps. Inspire the entire family or your wacky group of friends to each choose a different animal and leaf skirt to bring a crazy horde of Mauis to your next Halloween event. Every mini-Maui fan or adult won't find themselves worrying about someone else already dressing like Maui. You're welcome!
Te Fiti Costume

Sometimes the more intricate a character, the more fun it is to imitate. Whether for their costume design or color palette, there's just something begging people to give replication a try. We mean, you've seen ghost costumes. And Te Fiti is a monumental character to transform into. Everything about the goddess is gorgeous and involved. Feeling up for the challenge? Dead-set on impressing your friends and family with your Halloween costume? This DIY is for you! First things first, you need green body paint. From head to toe, Te Fiti is green and our base paints have you covered. Then it’s time for a wig to match your new green complexion. Layer on accessories with plenty of movement to imitate thriving plant life—colorful boas can do the trick. Then polish your exquisite look with the floral crown befitting a goddess.
Tamatoa Crab Costume

He may be a villain, but Tamatoa sure is an attractive crab. Literally. Covered in all things shiny and full of sing-along puns, it's quite impossible not to like the guy, at least, a little. Become an imitation crab with the help of our selection! Like the character, this DIY is a bit of a project. But given the proper attention, it'll be just as alluring as Tamatoa himself. Start with a crab costume, because even Tamatoa didn't hatch with a shell covered in riches. If you're going to do this fancy crab justice, however, you'll need to fully accessorize! Gold face paint will give you some shine, while a flowing set of golden wings makes putting together a treasure trove look easy! Thinking there's still more to be done? Check out our costume jewelry selection for even more glitter!
Kakamora Costume

They're not in the movie for long, but the Kakamora pirates sure leave an impression! They're tiny and cute, but oh so angry, making them terribly fun characters to become for Halloween! Of course, coconut costumes are hard to come by. Even our talented team of designers hasn't quite put that food on our idea board. But this Kakamora-inspired costume is sure to bring extra fun to your Moana-themed Halloween! Start with pirate accessories--a satin sash around your waist and skull mask in place of a tri-corner hat creates the base for the look. Your choice of spear or another toy weapon adds ferocity to the look. Meanwhile, red and white face paint will help you unleash your inner coconut warrior. No matter how you style your Kakamora DIY, we hope this short guide has taken you on a rewarding treasure hunt!