Train Conductor Costumes

From the moment the Trans-Continental railroad was finished, train conductors were bound to be heroic adventurers. Driving the trains have been capturing the imaginations of kids throughout the country as they watched the conductors toot their horns when driving through the remote plains or watched as they navigated the steam engine through dark tunnels in the cold and snowy mountains. Of course, kids were all about dressing up as conductors in a world when the next fastest transportation would be galloping on horseback.
The thing is, for a lot of kids, not much has changed! Train engineers still capture the imaginations of both adults and children. Lucky for all of us, conductor costumes are better than they've ever been before.
Kid's conductor costumes come in a variety of looks. Kids love Thomas the Train ride in costumes. The sculpted and colorful looks can simply slip over the shoulders and let kids chugga-chugga-choo-choo along! You could even have siblings pair up as an engineer, Thomas, and Percy for a perfect family Halloween costume that'll be a favorite memory for decades to come.
Want to put together a DIY conductor costume for imaginary play time? Kids can load stuffed animals, action figures, and dolls into their makeshift train with confidence when their dress-up clothes include a jaunty dark blue conductor hat with beautiful gold trim. Or maybe you simply want the quintessential striped hat that we all associate with the engineer that drives the train for more adventurous kids. Either way, you've got options! Adventure can be just a hop and a skip away when your kiddo has a conductor costume in their collection.
Okay, we've covered why the kids love train conductors. But what happens when you're all grown up and you're still dreaming about honking that horn and taking your very own engine around mountains and through amazing landscapes. Dress up as a train engineer anyway! Because everyone knows that this costume is still quite charming on a full-blown adult. In fact, we have a brand new Made by Us engineer costume! The vertical grey and white striped overalls are pretty sharp. The overalls are paired with a denim-colored blue shirt, a red bandana, and the classic flat-topped engineer hat. Just because you're fully-grown, doesn't mean you should have to give up those adventurous train-dreams.
Are you ready to ramp up a few more adventures in your life? We think you're going to have a lot of fun when you're rocking train engineer stripes. These costumes work well for western themed parties or historically themed events. It's easy to be proud when wearing the stripes whether you're two, ten, or forty-two! Now all you have to do is figure out where to drive your train next. Will you head through dangerous mountain passes or will you wind your way through lush green valleys. Where you take your train is up to you. Just remember to toot your horn when you drive through town for all the other train conductor hopefuls out there!