Scary Clown Masks

Traditionally Halloween was all about scaring the silly right out of the devil. That transformed like a werewolf at the end of a full moon into something tamer. Scaring your friends and tricking your neighbors became the acceptable Halloween shenanigan. But even that has given way to witches with smiles and sparkles, superheroes running alongside trick-or-treating puppy dogs, and doe-eyed dragons escorting princesses.
Of course, we love all versions of the celebrations. From cute to spooky and frightening to horrifying, it's all a good time for the right crowd. You just need to know when it's the right time to pull on the creepy clown mask. Or throw caution to the wind and make every Halloween celebrator laugh, cry, or scream for the fun of it!
We'll leave that bit up to you. But before unleashing your boo-ha-ha clown fun on the world, let's get you the nightmarish clown masks of your dreams!
To be clear, creepy does not only mean scary. Creepy can be unnerving or just eerie—something like the Joker's ear-to-ear grin or Pennywise's hallow yellow eyes glowing above a half-smile. And we have both pop culture clowns to choose from! Grab the Joker or Pennywise for your creepy mask collection. Or keep looking and find yourself a blue-haired clown with teeth for eyes and classically painted clown faces that look a lot like they crawled out of a box in the attic.
Hoping for creepy that's closer to spooky? Try a cartoon clown mask! Even Scooby-Doo was able to gather himself long enough to unmask his least favorite jester, and we bet the kiddos in your life can handle the task too!
Of course, if you're going for horrifying, well, we've got your back! From teeth for eyes to too much neck and not enough skin to clowns opening their jaw to reveal even more terrifying entities trying to escape, there's a deeply scary clown mask for everyone!
Keep all the Halloween candy for yourself when you protect your stores by wearing a gory clown face for trick-or-treaters. Or test the nothing-scares-me types that stroll into haunted house attractions and see your performance. We'd be some of our wretched friends will have those visitors changing their tune.
Whether you're looking to face your fears or spread them, our selection of scary clown masks is sure to help this Halloween! Spooky brave kiddos, startle adults, or send the devil packing with everything from eerie cartoon clowns to intricately sculpted latex masks that the horror industry loves, shopping here ensures your Halloween costume is a thrill!