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Scotland is a country with a deep history! From brave warriors like William Wallace to amazing actors like Ewan McGregor, they've given us some of the world's most interesting people. Now, you can show your love of Scottish culture by wearing one of our Scottish Costumes, which included plenty of kilts.
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Outlander Costume for Women
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Plus Size Outlander Costume for Women
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Braveheart Warrior Costume for Plus Size Women 1
Clearance Made By Us
Women's Braveheart Warrior Costume 1
Sale - 33% Made By Us
Womens Scottish Lassie Costume cc
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Ah, lovely Scotland! From the daring Highlands to the southern Lowlands, Scotland has produced plenty of tales about real-life Scottish heroes since the days of the Roman Empire! The story of Scotland is truly a story of resistance in the face of oppression. It's the story of courage in the face of adversity. It's also the story of kilts!

We love tales of heroes like William Wallace... the critically acclaimed film, Braveheart made sure that everyone knows that name! We also get swept up unto tales like Outlander, the Diana Gabaldon book series, which also focuses on Scotland's rich history. But we really get fascinated by kilts! Call us crazy, but we love costumes and all of the different garment styles that go into crafting an iconic outfit and the Scottish kilt has to be one of the best pieces of traditional wear that we've ever seen! That's why we put together a collection of our favorite Scottish costumes, which include plenty of kilt costumes!

Our Scottish themed costumes start with William Wallace! Yes, we have plenty of officially licensed Braveheart costumes to help you express your love of freedom. We carry both high-quality replicas, along with simpler outfits based on the film. We even carry female William Wallace costumes for any women out there who want to cosplay as the iconic hero from history. Pair that with our toy swords and you'll be ready to reenact the Battle of Stirling Bridge!

We also carry a selection of classic Scottish-style outfits for those looking for something a little more traditional looking. They feature plenty of plaid patterns, kilts and everything you need to recreate the look of traditional Highland dress. We carry styles for both men and women and even plus sizes, so our Scottish costumes are all-inclusive, for anyone who wants to dress like their favorite people from history!

Finally, we have various humorous costumes based on Scottish outfits! Have you ever seen a Scotsman wearing a kilt and wondered what exactly was under there? Like, are they wearing underwear or are they just rolling free as the wind? Well, one of our "What's Under that Kilt" costumes are a fun way to answer that question. It is, of course, adult humor, so they aren't the sort of costume that you'd want to wear around grandma or the kids, but if you're looking for a costume that's a little edgier, then one of our funny Scottish Costumes might just be for you!

If you're a fan of Braveheart, Outlander, or a just of Scottish culture in general, then you might feel right at home wearing any of our Scottish costumes! With sizes and styles for men, women, and kids, anyone can become a real Highlander! How To

Celtic Clothing

Does the idea of misty mountains and dramatic, rocky glens make your heart beat like a Scottish bodhrán? We feel you! Now, we don't have access to any time travel standing stones, but we have some fabulous Scottish costumes. You don't even have to have access to any gemstones to buy them!

All you need to do is purchase the style that's right for you, and your Celtic costume will show up at your door in a matter of days. To help you make the right choice, we'll inform you about the different tartans and the reasons behind the distinct Scottish style. We'll also sprinkle in some traditional details that you can add to your Scottish attire for an extra authentic feel. Whether you end up in a Scottish kilt costume or a tartan suit that's perfect for the streets of Edenborough, you're sure to find the right Scottish dress-up ideas in the content below!

Celtic Clothing

Yes, yes. Most people are here for the kilts. We get it! The kilt is a pretty magical clothing item. Used while herding sheep in wet weather, tossing cabers, and marching into battle, the kilt has become an icon of the highlands. But there is more to Scottish style than the kilt. Specifically, tartans! Wearing one of the dapper tartan suits on our site can be an excellent choice for Scottish festivals or a trip to the highlands.

Scottish Women’s Costumes

Women’s Braveheart Outfit

Scottish Women’s Costume

While traditional Scottish garb for women consisted of layers of ankle-length tartan, you can have a lot more fun with your Scottish attire this Halloween! Our licensed women's Braveheart warrior costume will place you square in the center of a highlander brawl with perfectly draped tartan and a knee-length skirt. An outfit that you'll want to break out for Ren Fairs as well as costume parties, this look will be a favorite for any fan of Scotland and freedom! And if anyone has the gull to remind you that William Wallace didn't actually paint his face blue, gain vengeance by letting loose with a freedom cry that’ll ring off the rafters. That’s one way to show off your highlander authenticity!

Scottish Dress

Scottish Dress

If you're looking for more traditional Scottish dress-up ideas for women, this lovely Scottish Lassie costume will make you look timeless. The classic plaid is draped in a more flattering and manageable version of what traditionalists would call the belted plaid. You don’t have to watch hours of how-to videos to get this costume to look just right. Simply arrange the attached scarf and zip yourself into the dress and you’ll be good to go!

Scottish Renaissance Costume

Scottish Renaissance Costume

If you're dressing up in Scottish fashion for your next Ren Faire, you have a few fashion choices to make. For one, keep in mind that the Scottish were not the most popular of folks in the courts during the time of Henry the 8th, so be sure and avoid too much nobility. Still, wearing your plaid in the belted fashion will make you look the most timeless. Avoid the modern tall, bagpipe caps called feather bonnets. Those gained popularity in the 1700s and will look out of place among garments of the 1500s. Instead, opt for simpler clothes. Like most peoples of the Medieval era, Scots lived a pretty hand-to-mouth life.

If tartans were worn, they were a simple weave of two or three earth tone colors. They didn't yet wear the luxurious belted plaid ensembles seen in Braveheart. If you're integrating plaid into your ensemble for a highland touch, a cloak is a great way to pay tribute to the era while announcing that you're not one of those English tyrants! Of course, you could just have fun and go full William Wallace in one of our exclusive Braveheart costumes!

Scottish Warrior Woman's Costume

Scottish Warrior Woman's Costume

If you can see yourself working with the clans to escape the tyranny of the British, you're going to need a tough outfit. Scotland has a history of Scottish warrior women. Take Boudica, for instance. Often pictured wearing leather armor, she led troops to oppose the invading Romans and had them on the run for long enough to win herself a place in history. This winter warrior costume would be a great way to represent the warrior queen. Add your own face paint, braids, and a shield to complete your battlefield-ready look!

Men’s Scottish Clothing

When you're heading out to toss the caber, you need to let your opponents know that you're serious. Nothing says that you don't know how to toss a whole tree trunk like showing up in jeans! How's a Scot supposed to stay dry on the highlands in denim? If you want to look like a true Scot, you've got to be prepared for the action and the elements. That's why the kilt was invented in the first place. From wrangling sheep to hiking over the bens in sleet and rain, there's nothing like a kilt to get you through. And sure, our kilts might not be made of handwoven wool, but they'll sure make you look like you know what you're doing. One more thing? When tossing the caber, be sure and lift with your knees!

Men’s Scottish Clothing

We've been referencing the Celtic culture throughout this piece, but we haven't talked about what the Celtic culture includes. Once a collection of tribes that controlled much of Europe up until the Alps. They were pushed to the British Isles by the Romans where they stood strong and still exist to this day! This means that Celtic dress covers a range of styles from the traditional dress of Ireland, Wales, and (of course) Scotland! If you're looking for a general Celtic ensemble, layer a cloak, belt a tunic, and pull up some wool socks. That way you’ll look right at home among the timeless ruins of the British Isles!

Scottish Highlander Costume

Scottish Highlander Costume

Herding sheep, eating haggis, standing up to tyranny. What’s not to love about the highland life? This Big Shot Scot costume is the perfect look for costume parties. It repurposes the classic kilt pouch officially called a sporran for a shot glass holder so that you have a built-in conversation starter. Sure, serving a scotch like Glen Levitt to everyone at the party might be above your pay grade, but anything served from a guy in a kilt is sure to have that authentic peaty taste of the highlands!

Sexy Scottish Costume

Sexy Scottish Costume

A popular uniform for the cover of bodice rippers, the kilt isn't only a practical woolen garment. Style it the right way and it can be quite sexy! The kilt costume pictured can be worn with or without the included lightweight long-sleeved shirt. Whether you're dressing up as everyone's time-traveling Scottish heartthrob, Jamie, or you're using this kilt costume to become Springfield's resident surly Scottish janitor, Groundskeeper Willie, a sexy kilt is a great choice to get your point across!

Medieval Scottish Attire

Medieval Scottish Attire

Medieval Scottish clothing was all about weathering the elements. The Scots wore their draping wool garments to help them withstand the wet and cold. This meant that everyone from shepherds to noblemen wore similar ensembles. Though, the nobles often wore plaids with more colors. The kilts seen in Braveheart were worn to make sure the wet of the Scottish moors didn't seep up pant legs and cause a host of health problems. In fact, Scottish soldiers were called redshanks by the British because they had exposed legs in the coldest weather. The plaid belted around the shoulders could be used for shelter in bad weather, while the tall, wool knee-high socks kept Scots warm even if their feet were wet. Talk about a smart wardrobe!

Traditional Scottish Clothing

Traditional Scottish Clothing

The traditional plaid that we all know and love has been lovingly crafted by hand for hundreds of years. Back in the day, Celts would dye their wool yarn with berries, copper, and even stale urine to get that fabulous deep color we admire in plaids. Unfortunately, the use of tartans was banned after the Battle of Culloden. This means that over the years, the particular tartans of the clans were lost. When the ban was lifted, different tartans were reassigned to the clans. While the original information was a casualty of history, it can still be fun to find out which tartan is paired with your family name.

The look of a traditional Scottish bagpiper can squeeze the heart of many who long for the highlands. When you see the feather bonnet that tops this ensemble off, you can almost hear the heart-wrenching drone of the bagpipes. This traditional Scottish costume would make you look right at home in front of a row of standing stones or standing in the ruins of an ancient castle!

Highland Dress

You know by now that the key to getting into highland mode is plaid… and a lot of it! You'll get the tartan you crave when you explore our Scottish costumes. When you're focusing on Highland dress, the more draping plaid, the better. The traditional everyday wear uses the plaid in various ways, belting their extra fabric in place until they needed the wool for shelter when the weather turned. Highland dress also includes sturdy, knee-high socks, and a hat called a tam o' shanter or a tammie in either plaid or solid wool. Working for bagpipers and highland warriors, draping plaid and bare thighs with tall socks will send a highland message as soon as you enter any costumed event!

Scottish Halloween Costume

Scottish Halloween Costume

Scottish costumes aren’t just about historical context. Some Halloween costumes are just about having a great time. If you don’t mind a lewd joke or two, then this funny Kilt costume is for you! Great for bachelor parties and late-night Halloween parties, you’re sure to get a few giggles from this look!

Scottish Outfit

Scottish Outfit

If you want to flaunt your love of Scotland while wearing a good ol’ pair of pants, Opposuits’ Braveheart suit is a great way to wear your feelings on your sleeve. Great for dressier events, the plaid is made up of the Scottish colors of blue and white. A slim-fit suit with a dash of tartan fun, this will be recognized by fellow Scots and Scotland enthusiasts wherever you go! Check out the rest of the Opposuits on our site to find even more looks that'll suit your Scottish pursuits!

Scottish Dress-Up Ideas

When it comes to finding epic Scottish characters to dress up as, we're sure you won't have any issues. Both real and imaginary, the strong characters come from every chapter in time. Those looking for a Scottish family costume will dig the idea of dressing up as Disney princess Merida and her enchanted bear brothers, seeking out answers in the dangerous wilds of the Highlands. There's William Wallace, fighting for freedom (with or without a blue painted face). You could choose to dress up as the heartthrob, Jamie, from the Outlander series. And, of course, we can't forget the ancient legend of Boudica, a warrior queen who led a rebellion against Roman rule.

Scottish Dress-Up Ideas

Scottish costumes don't have to revolve around the iconic kilt. Though, everyone should try out the highland look once in their life. No, you could dress up as the overly ambitious king Macbeth or the witty poet Robert Burns. Neither of those wore highland dress. You could even get more sophisticated with a 007 costume and pay tribute to the dapper Sean Connery. You see, the Scots have really gone places! But come on, we all know that plaid and pleats are where the fun is at. Pick out the ensemble for you, make it your own, and let us know what you think! Leave a product review or tag us in your photos on Instagram to keep the Highland dream alive. Monster