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Scary Scarecrow Costumes

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When you want to put a darker twist on an autumn classic, you should try a scary scarecrow costume! You’ll be the perfect Halloween scarecrow with one of our creepy costumes. After all, the word “scare” is right in the name!
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Girls Scary Scarecrow Costume
Made By Us Exclusive
Girls Creepy Scarecrow Costume
Sale - 50%
Women's Scary Scarecrow Costume
Made By Us Exclusive
Adult Sadistic Scarecrow Costume
Sale - 30%
Kids Hay Grrl Scarecrow Costume
Sale - 50%
Nightmare Scarecrow Boys Costume
Women's Scarecrow Poncho
Kid's Scary Scarecrow Costume
Sale - 25%
Scary Scarecrow Child Poncho
Sale - 25%
Kids Evil Scarecrow Costume
Sale - 50%
Scarecrow Costume Kit
Made By Us Exclusive
Handheld Sickle
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Child Black Gloves
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Black Nylon Over The Knee Stockings
Sale - 38% Made By Us
Reaper Scythe Prop
Made By Us Exclusive
Inflatable Sickle Prop
Sale - 43%
Plus Size Black Fishnet Stockings
Clearance Made By Us
Scarecrow Makeup Kit
Clearance Made By Us
Adult Black Superhero Boots
Scary Scarecrow Mask
Adult Chosen Hero Boots
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Halloween Pumpkin Trick or Treat Bag
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Kids Chosen Hero Boots
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Candy Bowl with Animated Pumpkin Scarecrow
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Animated Raven Scarecrow Decoration
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Kids Black Velvet Hooded Cape Main
Sale - 32% Made By Us
Womens Satin Black Leggings main upd
Deluxe Spiderweb Tights
Sale - 50% Made By Us
Pumpkin Costume Companion Upd
Clearance Made By Us
Adult Scary Scarecrow Mask
Made By Us Exclusive
Glow in the Dark Long Wig -- Update
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Joking Jack o Lantern Treat Bag
Sale - 33% Made By Us
Scarecrow Patched Hat
Made By Us Exclusive
Scarecrow Wig
Made By Us Exclusive
Tricky Pumpkin Treat Bag
Sale - 46% Made By Us
Sinister Scarecrow Mask
Sale - 29% Made By Us
Child Black Pants
Sale - 25% Made By Us
Scarecrow Mask-1
Sale - 23% Made By Us
Adult Brown Hood Cowl Main UPD
Sale - 35%

Scram pesky crows, stay away from the crops! It turns out telling birds to beat it is a huge waste of time since crows are incapable of understanding us (even though they accomplish unbelievable feats like mimicking our speech). Besides, farmers have plenty of other farm duties to fulfill during any given day. Standing in the middle of a field shooing away hungry crows isn't an efficient way to use your time when the cattle need to be fed and the crops need to be watered. Thanks to the Egyptian wheat farmers of yesteryear, modern farmers don't have to stress over nettlesome crows. They invented 'the scary scarecrow,' a wooden frame draped in dark and spooky nets, to ward off potential winged crop-destroyers. (Thanks for the pyramids and the scarecrows, ancient Egyptians!) We've been using their method for approximately 3000 years. 

Over the years, our culture has made alterations to the earliest scarecrow concepts. Instead of wood planks veiled in dark fabric, we've constructed elaborate scarecrows that resemble monsters more than people. The idea of a scary scarecrow who could possibly spring to life and wreak havoc on civilians is both eerie and exciting. Did the scarecrow over yonder move slightly once you looked away? Maybe. Was it positioned differently yesterday? Perhaps. Okay then, who moved it...? No one. Uh, oh!  

Whether you like watching scary movies about possessed scarecrows or you look forward to assembling scarecrow lawn decorations with your family, you'll be (delightfully) scared stiff by our collection of scarecrow costumes. Now people of all ages can look identical to their favorite frightening lawn ornament by picking out a scarecrow costume for themselves. Your whole family can look like they're stuffed with straw from the top of their head down to their toes. 

Men tend to enjoy stomping around in our mega scarecrow costume. Featuring a potato sack fabric costume and a gruesome zombie-like latex mask, this costume creates the illusion that you're an undead decoration with an appetite for guts. Ladies can appear scary while looking fierce by dressing in creepy women's scarecrow costume. It has all the making of a traditional scarecrow costume except it features a stylish dress instead of a burlap sack. Kids will like hiding behind bushes to jump out and scare their playmates while they're wearing a wicked scarecrow costume and holding a handheld sickle prop. 

If you're a creative person who enjoys constructing a unique costume so you'll stand out from the costumed crowd, then pick up a bunch of our accessories. Add a mask, straw kit, and fake blood to your cart and you're well on your way to crafting your own costume. Whatever scarecrow product you decide on, be sure to leave a review on it and upload a picture of yourself wearing it. Monster