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Adam and Eve Costumes

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Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start! Dress up as the original man and woman, Adam and Eve. This couple might have made some questionable decisions but they're still plenty of fun when it comes to costume season. Simply bring along an apple and you're ready for all sorts of costumed events. Hey, you could even show up at a garden party. That's Adam and Eve's home turf, after all!
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Mens Sexy Adam Costume
Sale - 49% Made By Us
Adam and Eve Costume
Sale - 33%
Sexy Poison Temptress Women's Costume
Sale - 36%
Adult Apple Costume
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Made By Us Exclusive

In the beginning, life was pretty simple. Adam and Eve just hung out in the garden with all the animals and plants. But then they started hearing rumors about how good apple pie and apple cider was. They had to try it, their friend the snake was the best foodie in the garden, after all! So they went ahead and crossed a line. Big mistake! It wasn't long until they were evicted. And because they were the first two people on earth, it was really hard to find a new place to rent. 

You can either hold a grudge against this infamous, fig leaf wearing couple or you can embrace their legacy with cheeky Adam and Eve costumes. Not only is this couple's costume a lot of fun, but it's also super photo-shoot friendly. Have an awesome tree in your backyard? Grab an apple and pretend that you're back in the O.G. (original garden, what did you think that stood for?) Are you dealing with a chilly October setting? Simply pose with your houseplants or one of those trendy jungle leaf wallpapers or tapestries. Make your Sunday school teacher from back in the day proud with biblically themed profile pictures that you can use for years! 

While we love the idea of an Adam and Eve couples costume for any costumed event. It's a great excuse to bring healthy snacks in the form of apple slices to any party, after all. But it's also fun to wear these costumes solo. Eve is an especially fun lone costume with a wide variety of accessories to choose from like a toy snake or our apple purse. 

Don't worry about bringing a snake along when it comes to throwing on our exclusively designed Eve! She's already rocking a serpent that wraps around your leg, body, and securing the leafy dress with a snakehead. It's topped off with a rose crown so you're ready to head out to a costume-oriented music festival with one order. 

Want your whole crew to dress up in Genisis fashion? There are more than two players in this story! Your friend who's a bad influence can dress like a snake. Your rosy friend can dress as an apple. And of course, adding Adam and Eve in there is important as well! Want to have a biblically themed bash? We won't tell your Catholic catechism teacher, Sister Harriet, don't worry. Throw together Moses, the Thring kings, and a few bad guys in there like Pontius Pilate and King Herod and you'll have a party of people no one will ever forget!

When it comes to biblical costumes, it's smart to start at the very beginning! This original couple is fun and a little bit sassy, making an impact as soon as you enter the party. Whether you order the two in one jumpsuit look or you head out in our Made-by-Us leafy Adam or Eve costume, these costumes are hard to forget. And if you get in trouble you can always blame it on your friend, the snake! How To

Adam and Eve Halloween Costumes

Alright, costume shoppers, are you ready for an old-school costume theme? We'd like to go way back in time to talk about a favorite couple's costume idea. And when we mean back, we mean all the way back—like when the first humans showed up on the scene! Adam and Eve costumes are the topic, and we want to make sure everyone knows that the story of the first man and woman makes for an awesome Halloween costume. The biblical story of Adam and Eve has been a foundational parable of humankind for centuries and is considered by many to be the origin story of all people. But we're not here to yack about all of that. We're just here to make sure our customers know how great of a costume theme it is!

Whether for a young couple looking for a sexy Halloween costume or practical jokers who know that showing to the party up half nude would be a real showstopper, an Adam and Eve Halloween costume is a surefire bet for a fun night. And, as the top costume retailers on the web, we want to make sure our shoppers have all the info they need to make a wise purchase! We put together this How-To with details on all of our Adam and Eve outfits, including exclusive selections from our Made By Us costume line. So, this How-To is your ticket to downloading all the info you'll need to make your purchase. Just keep on reading to learn everything you ever wanted to know about Adam and Eve costumes!

Adam and Eve Couple Outfits

Adam and Eve Costume

Aside from being the first people, Adam and Eve are most famous for being, well, nude! According to the biblical story, God created Adam and then Eve. And they never much bothered with clothing because they didn't know they were naked. That changed, of course, when a slippery serpent got them to snack on the fruit from the Tree of Wisdom. After they munched down, they realized they were naked and strategically covered themselves in fig leaves!

Our classic Adam and Eve costume is the perfect way to bring this tale to life at your next costume party. The his-and-hers costume set includes two polyester jumpsuits. Flesh-toned for white skin, the suits will give each wearer the illusion of an au-naturale appearance. And true to the story, the costumes feature large plastic leaves in strategically placed locations! Two leaf headpieces are included to round out the look, and you can even get some select accessories like a fake apple and a plastic serpent—just like we have it pictured. Whether thousands of years B.C. or right now in the present, humans always manage to find nudity quite funny. So, this Adam and Eve costume set is sure to be a hilarious hit at your party!

Eve Costume

Eve Costume

Our customers love our exclusive costumes for their great designs and for quality that's far above typical Halloween costumes. When it came time to make our Made By Us Adam and Eve costumes, our team set out to craft simple outfits with that iconic leafy look that makes these costumes infamous. We wanted a unique take on that classic while still aiming for the quality our Made By Us line is known for. We want each of our customers to have a great experience in their costume, and we think we did well. Because our exclusive Eve costume will definitely set you up for fun!

All you have to do is take a look at our Eve costume to see how it differs from an ordinary Eve outfit. We wanted our costume to have a design that offers more coverage than a leaf bikini, and to be much more stylish than a nude suit with attached leaves. Designing it as a dress was the key, and this women's Eve dress is a sleek polyester slipover that's fully finished in faux green leaves. It has transparent shoulder straps for a strapless style, and a simple A shape can be as sexy or modest as you make it. The best part is that it comes with a plush snake to play the part of the serpent. The snake secures to the dress with hook and loop fasteners for an outfit that's definitely going to leave an impression on your fellow partygoers!

Adam Costume

Adam Costume

If you're planning on going as Adam for an awesome Adam and Eve costume theme, there are more than enough ways to wear skimpy leaf briefs or leafy boxers as your costume. So, when we designed our Adam costume, we focused on an outfit that leaves the wearer feeling less exposed! Our men's costume strikes a balance between showing off skin and a costume that covers you up. And, when you team up with a friend or significant other as Eve, our costumes are going to have the two of you looking like quite a sexy duo!

Designed as a one-shoulder romper, our Adam outfit for adults has the same fabric and leaf design as our Eve costume. The polyester fabric makes it easy to wear and the fabric leaves give you that undeniable Garden of Eden look! It also includes a leaf crown to complete the theme. There are plenty of other Adam and Eve costumes available, but we're sure you'll find our exclusive Adam costume to be classic, comfy, and quite funny. We designed it to make sure you have a great time, and our exclusive Adam outfit is guaranteed for leafy good fun!

Apple Costume

Apple Costume

Adam and Eve costumes are undeniably a couple's costume, but we'd like to add a suggestion to throw one more costume into the mix. After all, forbidden fruit from the tree of wisdom plays a central role in the biblical tale. So why not get a friend dressed up in an apple costume for a hilarious addition to your costume theme!

Our Made By Us Apple Costume is a great way to add another costume to this Halloween classic. The adult costume has a unisex design so you can add a guy friend or a gal pal to the group. The plump, red bodysuit has the undeniably roundish look of an apple that looks delicious. And the bright red fabric means the apple would be an extra tasty snack, if you had a chance to eat it!

We have the same costume available kids' version as well with our Child Apple Costume. So, you could bring along your kiddo while dressed as Adam and Eve for a family theme. That's sure to strike the funny bone of the folks you find while trick-or-treating! Be sure to shop all of our costumes to find even more ways to add to the fun. Whether you'd like more bible character costumes or you want to shop for some clever accessories, we've got everything you need right here at HalloweenCostumes! Monster