Halloween Witch Animatronics
Let's face it, witches are a Halloween staple. Even when the season ends, they stick around. It's easy to see why. There's an abundance of witch-types! Shakespeare's sinister sisters enthrall Halloween purists and inspire classically scary costumes. The sillier Sanderson sisters enchant children of all ages. Then, of course, there are the charming rascals from Hogwarts that welcome everyone into the magical world! Simply put, there's a witch for everyone, and our animated witches offer the same!
Animated Witch with Cauldron

The most enduring image of a witch has to be a wrinkled woman hunched over and stirring a cauldron of green liquid. Her image haunts forests, cottages, and that house at the end of the block that gives off an eerie feeling you just can't shake. So, if you're looking for the quintessential Halloween display, look no further than our coven of potion-brewing witch animatronics! From these wicked sisters stirring up trouble to a tiny enchantress that pops out of her own cauldron, we have what you need for a proper witch's brew!
Animated Witch Fortune Teller Halloween Decoration

If not mixing potions, witches can be found reading the future, and honestly, we think they're the creepiest! Sure, Snow White's stepmom serving poisoned apples is petrifying. But witch fingers wiggling above crystal balls look like spiders. Then they gasp at whatever nightmare their orb revealed and offer horrified stares as "help." It's perfect Halloween fuel! Share the shivers when you add animated fortune-tellers to your décor! Whether nestled between pillows and candles or left in the dark with only table and chair, Halloween is going to look frightfully ideal!