Goku Halloween Costumes
Born Kakarot of Planet Vegeta, Son Goku quickly found his life trajectory forever changed as his alien pod crashed into Earth. Luckily for us, Goku sustained a head injury which jacked up his planet-destroying programming. From Dragon Ball all the way to Dragon Ball Super, we watched closely while he went from warrior to superhero. Take a closer look at our Goku Halloween Costumes.
Goku Costumes for Kids

Kid costumes and Goku pair together wonderfully. Not just because kids love Dragon Ball but because the protagonist is a big kid himself. How often have we seen Goku shirk his responsibilities to go off and train? That sounds pretty childlike to us. We know your kid could be anything from an astronaut to a cop, but we hope you consider a Kid Goku Costume.
Goku Super Saiyan Costumes

Super Saiyan. We didn't think the notion was even possible when we first learned of its existence. Only the great legends spoke of the golden hair warrior. Even Vegeta couldn't believe it when he saw it. With all that build-up, no wonder the anime world collectively jumped from their chairs when Kakarot ascended. Relive that moment with a Goku Super Saiyan Costume.
Men's Goku Costumes
Okay, fellas, you can be honest with us. It’s fine, this is a safe space. Have you ever pretended to shoot a Kamehameha in front of a mirror? Come on—we all have at some point. Besides feeling and looking fantastic, you had to be sure you didn't secretly have Ki abilities. If only . . . If you love Dragon Ball Z and need a men's costume, check out this Men's Goku Costume.
Goku Toddler Costumes
It's never too early to get your kid started on Dragon Ball Z. Yeah, they are watching PJ Masks and Sesame Street to learn the basics, but we can't forget about what's essential—anime, of course. The story of Dragon Ball documents Goku's journey as a toddler as he went on perilous adventures, so that's maybe a great start. Now all you need is a Goku Toddler Costume!
Women's Goku Costumes

Sometimes it's hard to pin down the right Halloween costume. There are so many choices. You could be a mermaid to a Stormtrooper. This goes double when you are a Dragon Ball Z fan. Someone always wants you to be Bulma for the group cosplay pic. As great as she is, maybe it's time to show everyone your love for Kakarot with a Women's Goku Costume.
Goku Adult Onesies

Costumes rock, but you must take them off at some point. Technically, you don't have to (and we wouldn't blame you), but most don't sleep well. What if there was an anime costume you could wear to chill but could also be worn if you decide to step out? If that sounds like something you are interested in, you should check out a Goku Adult Onesie.
Goku Accessories
When Goku goes into battle, he doesn't need much. He needs his gi (which will likely get torn to shreds), maybe a few sensu beans (which he'll probably give to his opponent), and his Saiyan swagger. What additional anime accessories are needed to rock a Goku Halloween Costume? Don't worry; we'll have everything you need among our Goku Accessories. A post-battle ramen bowl won't hurt, either.
Goku Wigs
Goku's hair is iconic. It's part shaggy, part spikey, and just screams, "All I care about is training and fighting." A Goku Wig is an ideal accessory for fans of the Saiyan-raised Earthling attempting to pull off his exact look. It's a more accessible option than growing your hair out and trying to style it accordingly. Or training so hard that your hair ends up looking like Goku's.
Dragon Ball Z Ugly Christmas Sweaters
If you are a die-hard DBZ lover, you probably won't think this Dragon Ball Z Ugly Christmas Sweater is very ugly. We wouldn't blame you, as we also think they're lovely (biased statement). They are a fun way to show your love for Dragon Ball while rocking a comfy sweater. If you want an "ugly" sweater for the holidays, pick up a Dragon Ball Z Ugly Christmas Sweater.
Goku Super Saiyan Wigs
It has been said that the wig makes the costume. This couldn't be truer for a Goku Costume, especially a Goku Super Saiyan Costume. The golden locks sticking every which way is a staple in Goku's look. Get yourself some green contact lenses, and bam—you have just become Goku. If you are a fan of this beautiful series, become the legend with a Goku Super Saiyan Wig.