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PJ Masks Costumes

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Kids' imaginations are endless and sometimes their favorite shows have a little bit to do with that. Your kiddo can dress up as the characters of their favorite shows and fight crime in any one of our PJ Masks Halloween costumes! Don't worry parents we didn't forget about you, there are Adult PJ Masks costumes so you can join the fun too!
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Kids Deluxe PJ Masks Catboy Costume_Update-2
Child PJ Masks Classic Catboy Costume Update1
PJ Masks Girls Luna Girl Deluxe Costume
Sale - 22% Exclusive
PJ Masks Adult Catboy Classic Costume
PJ Masks Womens Owlette Classic Costume
Adult PJ Masks Romeo Costume
Sale - 13% Made By Us
PJ Masks Catboy Megasuit Classic Toddler Costume
Sale - 43%
PJ Masks Luna Adult Costume UPD-2
Made By Us Exclusive
Plus Size PJ Masks Romeo Costume for Men-update
Sale - 22% Made By Us
Adult PJ Masks Night Ninja Costume
Made By Us Exclusive
PJ Masks Owlette Megasuit Classic Toddler Costume
Sale - 29%
PJ Masks Kids Catboy Deluxe Light Up Costume-update
Sale - 10%
Kids PJ Masks Luna Costume
Made By Us Exclusive
Plus Size PJ Masks Luna Costume
Made By Us Exclusive
PJ Masks Catboy Adaptive Costume
Clearance  - 67%
PJ Masks Cat Car Adaptive Wheelchair Cover
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PJ Masks Owlette Pet Costume
Sale - 40%
PJ Masks Catboy Pet Costume
Sale - 40%
Adult PJ Masks Romeo Wig
Made By Us Exclusive
PJ Masks Catboy Power Up Accessory
Clearance  - 80%
Adult PJ Masks Luna Wig
Made By Us Exclusive
PJ Masks Classic Gekko Boy's Costume
Coming Soon
Catboy Plush Trick or Treat Bucket
Coming Soon
PJ Masks Gekko Mask
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Plastic Gekko Trick or Treat Bucket UPD
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So your kiddo wants to fight crime and save the day huh? Well, we think that's a great idea! However, they should be prepared first! Have they watched enough PJ Masks to know the proper moves? Is your little girl ready to drive the owl glider when she wears a PJ Masks Owlette costume? Are your little guy's ears trained enough to hear evil miles away when he suits up in a PJ Masks Catboy costume? Are we asking too many questions? Probably, we know your kiddos will crush any mission thrown their way...and if they don't...well at least they look cute doing it!

Maybe being the hero sounds like too much work, creating mischief could be a better and more fun fit. Let the roles reverse and create some mischief of your own! Unite your kiddos against evil, A.K.A you, when you dress up in a Romeo PJ Masks Costume! How To

PJ Masks Halloween Costumes

Becoming a superhero is a dream of just about every child whether they're sleeping or just daydreaming. That seems to have been the reason that the PJ Mask team came into being. Just imagine slipping into your super comfy pajamas and finding that you are bestowed with incredible powers! Who could find a single problem with that kind of a setup!? Not only do you get some pretty awesome superhuman abilities, but you still get to hang out in your pajamas! Heck, the ability to wear pajamas all day is practically a superpower already. While finding PJ Masks costumes for adults might be a tough road on its own, we have plenty of family costumes so everyone can enjoy some heroic daydreaming.

PJ Masks outfits

PJ Masks Halloween Costumes

Secret identities are a pretty common trope among our heroes. They can't just go gallivanting around the city with a name tag that will help every villain on the wrong side of the tracks know where they can go to find those pesky heroes that keep upsetting their plans for world domination! That's why we've got the masks, capes, and outfits to ensure that no one can see through to the truth. More than that, our heroes need to be able to live their lives for themselves, too. And, if they are members of the PJ Masks, they still have to go to school. You wouldn't want your future heroes to be uneducated, after all. Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko all spend the first half of their adventure learning the three Rs and all the lessons they'll need to help them take down the baddies later when they slip into their magical pajamas. So, after you've finished your work for the day, you can feel the same security as you hop into these PJ Masks Disney Halloween Costumes and know your identity is still a secret!

PJ Masks Character Costumes

Any hero knows it isn't enough to charge forward into a problem without the right degree of preparation. Granted, sometimes the PJ Masks have to struggle a bit to remember that they need to prepare, but if your kiddo has caught up on all the episodes of the spectacular Disney show, they already know that they should take a few moments to make sure they're ready. There is a solid way that you can help, of course. While they're gearing up to tackle whatever struggles that are on their daily agenda, you can make sure that they've got the extra supplies that are sure to help them succeed. These accessories can make or break the mission! Fortunately, we've got the whole assortment available, so everyone can have all they need for the PJ Masks costumes you need for the whole family!

PJ Masks Owlette Costume

PJ Masks Owlette Costume

No superhero team is complete without the inclusion of the brains of the operation. And, we're not talking about the leader. We mean the one who has the smarts, the keen observation skills and clear mind to help bring the mission to a successful and safe conclusion. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have Donatello, and the PJ masks have Owlette! So, when your little one is gearing up to transform into the mighty Owlette, the gal and brainy one of the PJ Masks, it is extra important to protect that noggin. Can't have anything happen to the thinker. Plus, there is that secret identity to worry about. (Running around in a set of magical pink pajamas is a great start, but it won't do anything to stop those mad scientists and dream ninjas from spotting your tyke's face!) Ensure that your kiddo's costume is complete with a matching pink Owlette Mask.

PJ Masks Night Ninja Costume

PJ Masks Night Ninja Costume

What about the bad guys, you ask? Obviously, there isn't much of a reason to have a team of heroes if there isn't a source of evil that's working against the world! But, not all villains are made of the same stuff. Some simply want to perfect themselves and hang out with a bunch of really cool friends. Heck, all kids have dreams! Some of them just stay up a little later to make sure that they become a reality. Such is the case of the Night Ninja. He's a little soft-hearted ninja and just wants to prove that he's the best at everything! (Though, the Night Ninja would be super grumpy to hear someone suggest he isn't the best at being bad!) Complete your kiddo's PJ Mask Costume and the whole squad from the show with the star-spangled Night Ninja of their night-time anti-hero!

PJ Masks Catboy Costume

PJ Masks Catboy Costume

The best quality of a leader is the willingness to get their hands dirty to help guide their allies in getting a mission finished. Anyone who can prove that they are part of the team, too, is way more likely to boost the confidence of the rest and get them not only to do the job but to want to do the job, too! That's how Catboy shows that he's got the stuff necessary to lead the PJ Masks. Admittedly, he occasionally thinks that he should be the star of the show and is the only one capable of getting the win. That's something he need to work on, but he's making good strides every time he looks at himself in the mirror. Your kiddo can remember all those very same lessons when finishing up their Catboy PJ Masks costume when smiling wide at a face wearing this iconic Catboy Mask!

PJ Masks Gekko Costume

PJ Masks Gekko Costume

The last member of the PJ Masks is the middle guy. If you've got a middle kid or anyone who doesn't always get the spotlight, you already have a great idea of what Gekko faces every day! He's pretty bright and has some really good ideas, but he tends to blend into the background a little. Despite being super strong and capable of climbing up into all sorts of trouble, the guy can get overshadowed by the flying Owlette or excitable Catboy. But, if your kiddo is about to show the world just how fantastic the third pajama-wearing superhero is in a PJ Masks Gekko Costume, there is no better way to finish the look off and maintain that all-important secret identity than with a chameleon green Gekko Mask. Your kiddo won't be overlooked with this bright green, scaled hood and might be just the hero the world needs!

Power Up PJ Masks

PJ Masks Power-Ups

All superheroes eventually go through some kind of change. Usually something comes around and trips them up, stealing or copying their powers. Maybe their lack of confidence does it. Maybe it's a clumsy robot! Either way, when they finally come face to face with being a hero, even if it means facing danger without super powers, they always overcome their fear and usually get a little reward for doing so! The PJ Masks team is no different! When a little oops robbed them of their heroic powers, they eventually discovered their real strength and were rewarded with these amazing little boosts to their already amazing tricks. Enhance your little Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko with these super accessories that came right out of the Power Up episode! Catboy has some brand new spinning cat claw energy beams. Gekko's new shields protect him from danger while making the baddies think twice. Also, Owlette's feathery disk gives her soaring success!

PJ Mask Toddler Costumes

PJ Masks Toddler Costumes

That said, getting your kids to actually go to bed so they can enjoy those dreams can be a struggle all on its own! Who wants to get into PJs when they could stay up all night instead? While it can be tough to get your kiddos in their own pajamas, sometimes, we can look for a nice compromise to get your tot ready for bed. How about a nice jumpsuit in the fashion of their favorite PJ Mask superhero!? These great toddler PJ Masks costume jumpsuits are made of comfy fabrics that will be just like their own pajamas... and these ones have cute hoods so they can enjoy the show in full costume and then super cat leap right into bed! (Admittedly, that part might still be a struggle, but any step that gets you closer is like having a hero right at your side!) Monster