Stormtrooper Costume Accessories

What's a soldier without his gear? When you work for the Empire, having a great ordinance is one of the many perks that come with the job. You don't need any fancy space wizard powers or fancy laser swords. You have a sick blaster. You also have some cool helmets, depending on your rank. We are still working the kinks out of our AATs, but in the meantime, check out our Stormtrooper Costume Accessories. They all pair well with other costumes, like Chewbacca or even Jango Fett. If you don't feel like pairing your accessory with an ensemble, you can place it proudly with your collectibles.
Stormtrooper Blaster Toys
There are all sorts of uses for blasters in the Star Wars universe. People are getting blasted left and right. There is always someone who needs blasting. Blast is a fun word to say. Anyway, besides lightsabers, blasters arguably are the most popular accessory in the universe. If you want a toy weapon modeled after the firearms used in Star Wars, whether to pair with a Stormtrooper Halloween Costume or simply for fun, check out a Stormtrooper Blaster Toy.
Stormtrooper Helmets
Masks and helmets are essential in Star Wars. Between the Empire forcing troopers to be the enforcers across the galaxy, and bandits making off with spaceships, you probably want to keep a low profile, in general. With a white Stormtrooper Helmet, you may be unable to maintain the lowest of profiles, but at least it'll look sick with a Stormtrooper Costume. If you are into replicas, you will love your Collector's Stormtrooper Helmet and our other high-end accessories.