While movies and TV shows are primarily a form of entertainment, there’s usually more to take away from them. Some offer strong or subtle political messages. Others can be seen as a loose adaptation of real-life events. But movies and TV can also provide an example of what history was like during the time they were set. While it can be difficult to say how accurate the character portrayals were, we usually have a good idea of the clothing that was worn during those periods. So here are our favorite movies and TV shows with the most historically-accurate...
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40 years ago, John Carpenter’s Halloween debuted and became an instant horror masterpiece. Aside from only one prominent actor (Donald Pleasence), the film featured several Hollywood newcomers. One of whom was Jamie Lee Curtis playing the role of Laurie Strode aka the original Final Girl (You can read more about "final girls" here). The film also introduced Michael Myers, one of the most terrifying horror villains of all time. As with any movie that achieves box office success, the producers opted for a sequel.
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Halloween is a fun time for children. Getting to dress up as your favorite animal or cartoon character and venturing out trick-or-treating for candy is always something special to look forward to. However, for various reasons, sometimes trick-or-treating isn’t a viable option. Luckily, trunk-or-treating has become a prominent alternative!
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When you think of Vikings, what comes to mind? You most likely think of big, powerful warriors with intimidating weapons and helmets ready for a fight. And you’re probably picturing a big group of them on a big ship coming to raid villages. During the Viking Age centuries ago, these Scandinavian warriors made a name for themselves by invading and taking over parts of Northern Europe. Like pirates, they come from the water and attack in their process of taking prisoners, acquiring goods, and taking over territories. Another thing Vikings have in common with pirates is that they make for great Halloween costumes. Want to figure out which Viking garb is the best fit for you? Sound your Gjallarhorn and take a look below for the complete guide to Viking costumes.
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In the weeks leading up to Halloween, there's always the need to break out the horror movies to get in the holiday spirit. While some choices like Hocus Pocus or Halloween are must-watch Halloween movies, there are plenty of other films in the horror genre to check out. In fact, horror films have seen a bit of a renaissance as of late. The past decade has brought a surprising amount of must-see scary films, some of which have earned high praise from horror fans and mainstream audiences alike.
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For 40 years, Garfield the cat has been a big fat hairy deal. The iconic comic strip created by Jim Davis originally debuted in 41 U.S. newspapers in June of 1978. Today, Garfield has 200 million regular readers in 80 countries, with the comic being printed and translated in 40 languages! More than 200 million Garfield books featuring comics, artwork, and even recipes have been sold as...
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