Posts in the Superheroes Category (Page 2)

Fly away to a thrilling universe of superheroes, where epic tales of valor and extraordinary abilities ignite your imagination and inspire your inner hero!

Tween Halloween Costumes [Costume Guide]

Tween Halloween Costumes

If you're a mom or a dad at your wit's end thinking about how hard it is to make your tween happy, remember what it was like to BE a tween. It really isn't the most fun. You're starting to come into your own and develop your more mature personality, but you're still young enough that much of your life and surroundings aren't in your control. Being patient, listening, and having a thick skin are some key pieces of advice for those who go shopping with their tween. And don't forget: for a pre-teenager, appearance is just as important on Halloween as any other day. You have to let them choose what they want the most, but they can't forget that it should be mostly ok with mom and dad. Still not sure how to go about this? Here's our guide for Halloween shopping for a tween.


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Costume Ideas for Women With Short Hair [Costume Guide]

Costume Ideas for Women With Short Hair

Have you ever wanted to dress in a Halloween character costume that looked like you? This can be a great option if you're not fond of fussing with wigs. But how many female characters have short hair? We're not talking about characters that look like they have short hair because it's in a bun or a tight updo, but characters with hair that is barely shoulder-length or shorter. (We're also avoiding gender-bent male characters for this one.) Keep reading for a list of short-haired female characters who would make excellent Halloween costumes!


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Costume Ideas for People With Dyed Hair [Costume Guide]

by |October 11, 2023

Costume Ideas for People with Dyed Hair

Do you have unusually-colored hair that you want to show off this Halloween? (Or comic con, Renfest, or other costumed events?) While some people might feel the need to get a synthetic wig to have pink hair or blue hair, this is your current color. We'll share some of our favorite characters with unusual hair colors and the costumes you need to match! Keep reading for our favorite costume ideas for dyed hair.


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4 Harley Quinn Makeup Tutorials

by |September 21, 2023

Harley Quinn Makeup Tutorials

We love watching how character designs change over time, and one of the most prolific characters for us has been Harley Quinn! Many of her outfits and overall looks are quite different, and yet they somehow all still scream "Harley Quinn". Her passion for fashion makes her one of the most popular cosplay characters for conventions, Halloween, and other costumed events. Just like her outfits, Harley Quinn's makeup varies too! If you're looking for Harley Quinn makeup ideas, we'll be sharing several makeup tutorial videos throughout this video for some of her most popular costumes. Keep reading to find the best Harley Quinn makeup idea for you!


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DIY Spider-Verse Costume Ideas [DIY]

DIY Spider-Verse Costume Ideas

So you decided to wear a Spider-Man costume, but you don't want to look like everyone else. What are your options? Thankfully, there's an entire Spider-Verse of costumes waiting for you! We'll share some easier Spider-Man costumes you can make yourself by tossing a few items together. You'll feel ready to attend a Comic-Con or Halloween party in style! And remember, with great DIYing comes great costume-ability.


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Moon Knight Mr. Knight DIY [Costume Tutorial]

Moon Knight Mr. Knight DIY

If you watched Marvel's Moon Knight, you might have been surprised to see alter ego Steven Grant's "Mr. Knight" costume. Or maybe you knew it was straight out of the Secret Avengers and Moon Knight comics. In any case, the costume made quite a comical appearance! Our first thought—after "whoa, how cool!"—was how easy it would be to make a Mr. Knight DIY. (Costumes are our thing, after all!) Keep reading for the history behind this classy Moon Knight costume and how to pull it off!


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