Never Say Aufwiedersehen: A Retrospective of Heidi Klum Halloween Costumes

by |October 12, 2023
Categories: Resource

Heidi Klum Halloween Costumes

A few celebrities rise to the top every year for their epic Halloween costumes—but no one can keep up with the legendary queen of Halloween, Heidi Klum. Since 2000, it's been an annual tradition for celebrity media to showcase her costumes. Take a trip down memory lane with us as we journey through Heidi Klum's best Halloween costumes!

All images courtesy of Glamour and individual photographers.


2000 - Dominatrix Costume

Heidi Klum Dominatrix Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

Here we are, back in 2000. It started with a black leather-look dominatrix costume, and things only got more intricate from here!


2001 - Lady Godiva Costume

Heidi Klum Lady Godiva Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

This bedazzled Lady Godiva took some artistic liberties from the original story. You can DIY this Heidi Klum look for yourself with a skin-tone bodysuit, a very long blond wig, and an army of sequins!


2002 - Betty Boop Costume

Heidi Klum Betty Boop Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

Heidi Klum's Betty Boop costume from 2003 was the first year she went all-out on her makeup. Her wig was also immaculately curled to look like the famous cartoon character. However, we'll never understand why she wore vampire fangs in a departure from the character of Betty Boop.


2003 - Gold Alien Costume

Heidi Klum Gold Alien Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

We really see Heidi Klum's personal style starting to shine in 2003. While this Heidi Klum original costume isn't entirely obvious about what it is, her hair, makeup, and outfit are all immaculately coordinated for a Halloween outfit that's out of this world!


2004 - Red Witch Costume

Heidi Klum Red Witch Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

The mysterious vampire fangs make a return in Heidi Klum's 2004 costume. Her over-the-top red witch hat and outfit include strange elements like vampire fangs and a skeleton decoration, but we're honestly here for the entire vibe.


2005 - Vampire Costume

Heidi Klum Vampire Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

After a few years with unexpected vampire fangs, it was only a matter of time before Heidi Klum transformed into a vampire herself! Of course, she had to put her own spin on it with oversized vampire fangs and an exposed heart.


2006 - Forbidden Fruit Costume

Heidi Klum Forbidden Fruit Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

Heidi Klum had a baby bump in 2006, but you wouldn't know it with this forbidden fruit costume! Inspired by the Biblical tale of the Garden of Eden, she wore a huge apple costume and also managed to be the devil in snake form as part of the costume.


2007 - Cat Costume

Heidi Klum Cat Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

Many people consider cat costumes for Halloween to be basic, but Heidi Klum is anything but! She looks like she could have stepped off the Broadway stage in this sleek cat costume.


2008 - Kali Costume

Heidi Klum Kali Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

One of her most controversial costumes to date, Heidi Klum dressed as the Hindu goddess Kali in 2008. While the ornate headdress and accessories were beautifully crafted, cultural and religious costumes can be seen as insensitive. Let this be a lesson learned.


2009 - Crow Costume

Heidi Klum Crow Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

While there are plenty of Alfred Hitchcock movies to look to for Halloween costume inspiration, Heidi Klum settled on The Birds. This unique horror movie costume saw Heidi Klum transform into a crow—complete with glitter and leathery wings!


2010 - Robot Costume

Heidi Klum Robot Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

By 2010, we know not to expect mediocrity with Heidi Klum's costumes! Not only did she tackle a bright red and purple robot costume, but she appeared to be wearing stilts or outrageous platform shoes. (A costume magician doesn't reveal all her secrets!)


2011 - Planet of the Apes Costume

Heidi Klum Planet of the Apes Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

When Heidi Klum dressed in her Planet of the Apes costume, as seen here, she underwent a complete transformation with head-to-toe prosthetics! However, as you'll see shortly, this was one of two costumes that Heidi Klum wore in 2011.


2011 - Anatomy Costume

Heidi Klum Anatomy Costume

[Source: PA Photos]

There's simply wearing an anatomy costume, and then there's getting wheeled to the event on a gurney by men dressed in surgeon costumes. We're living for Heidi Klum's extra Halloween shenanigans! By the way, this Heidi Klum costume is sometimes called the "visible woman".


2012 - Cleopatra Costume

Heidi Klum Cleopatra Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

Nothing keeps the queen of Halloween down! While Hurricane Sandy canceled Halloween celebrations, Heidi Klum still shared her Cleopatra costume that she intended to wear to the event. We have to wonder how much that headdress weighed!


2013 - Grandma Costume

Heidi Klum Grandma Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

This is not your kids' 100 days of school costumes. Heidi Klum was absolutely unrecognizable in this incredibly realistic old lady costume. Her prosthetics included wrinkled skin and even varicose veins!


2014 - Butterfly Costume

Heidi Klum Butterfly Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

Heidi Klum's transformation into a butterfly in 2014 was simply miraculous! This is probably the most artistic take on a butterfly costume we have ever seen: 10/10, no notes.


2015 - Jessica Rabbit Costume

Heidi Klum Jessica Rabbit Costume

[Source: Rex Features]

In a distinct departure from her often artistic costumes, Heidi Klum absolutely nailed a screen-accurate Jessica Rabbit costume. (Making many cosplayers jealous, we're sure.) She achieved this look with top-notch prosthetics and a gorgeous beaded costume dress.


2016 - Victoria's Secret Angels Costume

Victoria's Secret Angels Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

Probably one of the most normal Halloween costumes on this list (for Heidi Klum), she made it weird by finding several look-alikes to dress as herself. Can you spot the real Heidi Klum?


2017 - Heidi Klum Thriller Costume

Heidi Klum Thriller Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

One of our favorite Heidi Klum costumes to date, this Thriller werecat costume looks like it strolled right out of Michael Jackson's music video. All we need is the voice of Vincent Price reciting his lines, and you have achieved Halloween perfection!


2018 - Princess Fiona Costume

Heidi Klum Princess Fiona Costume

[Source: Getty Images]

Heidi Klum became Princess Fiona's doppelgänger in 2018 through the magic of prosthetics and top-notch makeup. We know who to call if they ever decide to make a live-action Shrek movie.


2019 - Alien Experiment Costume

Heidi Klum Alien Experiment

[Source: Gotham]

Heidi Klum pushed the envelope with makeup and prosthetics for Halloween with her alien experiment costume in 2019. It looks somewhat like an extraterrestrial autopsy, or is she a scary-looking space invader? Either way, this is one killer costume idea!


2020 - Mummy Costumes (Short Film)

Heidi Klum Mummy Costumes

[Source: Instagram @Heidiklum]

2020 was the first year of the COVID pandemic, and most celebrations were canceled for public safety, including Heidi Klum's Halloween party. However, our Halloween queen couldn't forgo all things eerie. Instead, she dressed up with her family and made a short film! In this image, we see her kids dressed as mummies, while Heidi Klum used makeup to blend into the scenery to survive the night.


2021 - Zombie Costume

Heidi Klum Zombie Costume

[Source: Instagram @Heidiklum]

Another COVID year, another pandemic short film. Heidi Klum also took the opportunity to dress like a zombie and pose with a pair of cheeky headstones. If you can see the inscription on Heidi's, it reads: "Halloween Meant Her Doom".


2022 - Worm Costume

Heidi Klum Worm Costume

[Source: Taylor Hill]

Heidi Klum took the opportunity to share behind-the-scenes teases of her costume, but who actually guessed that she'd be a human-sized worm? (We certainly didn't!) She was cocooned in prosthetics from head to toe, showing a level of craftsmanship far above most celebrity costumes. Will she be able to outdo herself once more?


We hope you enjoyed this retrospective look at the evolution of Heidi Klum's Halloween costumes. Which of her costumes is your favorite? What do you think she'll attempt next? We'd love to hear your ideas in the comments! We look forward to seeing her next Halloween costume each year!

Angela Poch
Angela Poch

Angela Poch is an Inbound Marketing Specialist and Resident Crazy Cat Lady at, where she is an assistant editor and covers tutorials, crafting and pop culture. Angela has created costumes and props for Halloween events, conventions and Renaissance festivals.

Some of her favorite costumes include 90s Rogue, a custom Jedi, warrior elf, and some nameless Renaissance pirate. (She’s still figuring out how to make a Jedi light-chakram.) You can find her on Bluesky or her cats on Instagram @stardustnebulanova.

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