Thanos Infinity War Makeup Tutorial

by |October 20, 2018

Thanos Infinity War Makeup Tutorial

Over the past decade, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become a juggernaut of geek cinema, breaking record after box office record. If there’s been a complaint about the franchise, however, it’s been that the supervillains have been rather lackluster. Not Thanos, though. He’s a juggernaut all by himself. (Though he shouldn’t be confused with the actual Juggernaut from Deadpool 2, but let’s not mix our metaphors here.) Thanos has such a powerful onscreen presence that we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do a makeup tutorial! So grab your liquid latex and purple makeup and follow along to our Thanos Infinity War makeup tutorial!


Thanos Makeup Tutorial Video

We hope you like purple!


Thanos Makeup Tutorial Video Transcript

Today, we're going to be doing a look inspired by Marvel's Thanos. So, we're going to start building up my chin, and I'm going to be using some cotton pads, and some liquid latex, and I'm just going to sort of build out layering some cotton pads to bulk up my chin. Um, after I do that, I'm going to actually build a little bit of, uh, cotton and liquid latex above my eyebrows, and a little bit on my cheekbones as well.

I just have to prep my eyebrows, um, I'm going to basically just work a whole bunch of glue stick into the brow.And then, I'm just going to just use a little spooly brush to brush my eyebrows straight up into my skin.

Ok, so, now that I've sort of built up some spots on my face, I'm going to go ahead. I'm going to put on a bald cap, and I'm going to secure that down, and once I've got the bald cap on, then I'm going to go over everything, uh, with a base layer of purple paint. Uh, and at that point, it's going to be about building up dimensions of color, uh, with some lighter shades of purple for highlight areas, and darker shades of purple for, um, areas within shadow, and then like getting in all the detail work. Like sort of make all the lines on Thanos's chin and cheeks. Um, so it's just going to be all about purple paint again.

And that is your Thanos makeup look! For this look, we used liquid latex, cotton pads, a bald cap and spirit gum, glue sticks, various shades of purple face paint, assorted makeup brushes and paint brushes, purple eyeliner, translucent setting powder, and a setting spray.


Thanos Costumes

Thanos Costumes

Adult Thanos CostumeInfinity Gauntlet for Adults and KidsKids Thanos Costume

Once you’ve got the makeup down, you just need the costume. There are Thanos costumes for adults and kids, of course. Plus you can upgrade your costume with a standalone Infinity Gauntlet prop. Now if you’re reading this for the how-to but you’re not sure you can pull off this look, don’t worry! We’ve got all the makeup you need to complete your transformation into the Mad Titan.


The Finished Look

Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet

"The end is near." Of this blog, we mean. You're almost there!


This makeup how-to might seem daunting, but it's a snap! And it's so much easier than assembling the Infinity Stones, right? We know you can do it! And when you do, let us know how it went in the comments! If you get some photo-ops, be sure to let us know on Instagram @funcostumes.

Wyatt Edwards
Wyatt Edwards

Wyatt Edwards is the Internet Wizard at, where he is lead editor and writes about superheroes and pop culture. He has been interviewed about costume trends by numerous entertainment and news outlets.

His past costumes include a rocket surgeon, Wikipedia, Optimus Prime, and a picnic. Yes, a picnic. Wyatt also plays Dungeons & Dragons but doesn't put on fancy costumes for that. You can find him on Twitter @whatandwyatt.

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