6 Minimalist Posters Inspired by Captain America: The Winter Soldier [Printables]

by |March 25, 2014

Minimalist Posters for Captain America Winter Soldier Movie


Ahh! The US flag. Old Glory. The stars and the stripes. Whatever the nomenclature, the red, white, and blue has become an unwavering symbol for liberty, freedom, and smashing stuff with a vibranium shield! Captain America embodies only the best the US of A has to offer. Cap is smart, a born leader, and is in peak physical condition (not to mention that impressive jaw line) thanks to the super-soldier serum. The man liberally doles out justice with a shield, was turned into an ice cube and didn’t die, and saves the world on a regular basis...what’s not to love about him?

Since Cap is making his return to the silver screen in one week we decided to embrace our love for Captain America, slap on a coat of geek, and create some slick poster-like images. These minimalist posters are the cat’s pajamas! A perfect melding of 1940’s meets 21st century. The minimalist designs personify the most iconic aspects of each character.


1. Captain America Minimalist Poster

Captain America Winter Soldier Poster


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Steve Roger’s courage, along with his ideals and dedication to freedom and justice are what make Captain America. He stands as a paragon for good and is a pillar for what is right in the world.


2. Black Widow Minimalist Poster

Black Widow Poster Captain America The Winter Soldier


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Black Widow is an appropriate codename for Natalia “Natasha” Romanoff due to her keen abilities and superior training as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. The red mark of the spider on this minimalist poster is elegant but serves as a warning not to mess with this femme fatale.


3. The Falcon Minimalist Poster

The Falcon Poster Captain America Winter Soldier


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The Falcon was Marvel’s first mainstream African-American superhero. He’s a high flyer that was inspired by none other than Captain America to become a symbol to help people. His wings flap to the beat of justice.


4. The Winter Soldier Minimalist Poster

Captain America Winter Solder Minimalist Poster


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This enigmatic villain with an intimidating arm is the unstoppable force in the upcoming movie. The Winter Soldier is a perfect antithesis to Captain America. Is there a connection between these two powerhouses? I guess we'll have to wait and see.


5. Nick Fury Minimalist Poster

Artistic Nick Fury Poster


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The director of S.H.I.E.L.D is personified by his eye patch and goatee. There have been several versions of Fury but all of them have had the patch and his signature calculating demeanor.


6. Cap Vs. Winter Soldier Minimalist Poster

Minimalist Captain America Symbol Poster


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Who will win when the long arm of Winter Soldier and the shield of Captain America clash on the big screen? Find out on April 4th, and in the meantime enjoy these images and speculate. Now, Avengers assemble! Wait, that’s next year…

Steve Roger’s courage, along with his ideals and dedication to freedom and justice are what make Captain America. He stands as a paragon for good and is a pillar for what is right in the world.
Robert Browne
Robert Browne Robert is an SEO Specialist for HalloweenCostumes.com.  When he's not scouring the web for the latest information and trending data, he's usually out on some type of adventure.  An avid gamer since the days of Atari, he has an affinity for retro gaming, but is ecstatic about the continuing evolution of video game culture.  As a critic who seeks to challenge traditional paradigms and power structures, stemming from an obsession with Ancient Greeks, Romans, and other dead know-it-alls, Robert seeks to better the world through philosophy, rhetoric...and wearing costumes.

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