Did you ever partake in spooky nights, watching horror movies with friends? Horror movies are standard slumber party fare—which is ironic if you scare yourselves so much that no one sleeps! While scary movies like Scream, The Lost Boys, or Gremlins are typical sleepover horror movies, we will be talking about a handful of horror movies with slumber-party scenes. Keep reading to find out how many of these sleepover horror movies you have seen!
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There are many reasons to wear a character costume from a popular movie or TV series. Perhaps you're looking for a cosplay costume to wear to a local convention, or you want to be a recognizable character on Halloween night. Maybe your child insisted on a Disney costume party or you're taking part in a local parade. Whatever the reason may be, you'll be happy to know that we have an excellent selection of TV and movie costumes at HalloweenCostumes.com! If you're looking for a burst of inspiration to get you started, here are some of our favorite character Halloween costumes from the big and small screen.
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Horror movies are almost as old as the medium of film itself. We love them for their jump scares, but also how they reflect our deepest fears and anxieties. In short, horror resonates with us. If you're interested in reflecting on the horror genre, then let our ultimate guide to horror movies show how we got from innovative and timeless tales to modern classics like Let the Right One In, The Cabin in the Woods, and Us.
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40 years ago, John Carpenter’s Halloween debuted and became an instant horror masterpiece. Aside from only one prominent actor (Donald Pleasence), the film featured several Hollywood newcomers. One of whom was Jamie Lee Curtis playing the role of Laurie Strode aka the original Final Girl (You can read more about "final girls" here). The film also introduced Michael Myers, one of the most terrifying horror villains of all time. As with any movie that achieves box office success, the producers opted for a sequel.
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In the weeks leading up to Halloween, there's always the need to break out the horror movies to get in the holiday spirit. While some choices like Hocus Pocus or Halloween are must-watch Halloween movies, there are plenty of other films in the horror genre to check out. In fact, horror films have seen a bit of a renaissance as of late. The past decade has brought a surprising amount of must-see scary films, some of which have earned high praise from horror fans and mainstream audiences alike.
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We'd say that horror and beauty go together pretty easily after seeing these skater dresses that our graphic design department created. Inspired by classic horror films from vintage Hollywood, we made seven mock-ups of dresses that we’d LOVE to see become reality! Wouldn’t you like to wear an outfit featuring the very first zombie shown in Night of the Living Dead? Or maybe...
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