Halloween is an incredibly social holiday, one where you put on parties and gather with family, friends, co-workers, and the like. Sometimes, you even attend several parties so everyone can experience the holiday fun in their own way! Maybe you're taking the kids to a friend's Halloween party filled with candy and games. Perhaps you're looking forward to a watch party with other adults. But if you're searching for a selection of spooky-themed cocktails for your next adult Halloween party or AHS watch party, give a few of these American Horror Story-themed drinks a try! We made recipes to match each season, from Murder House to Double Feature, so you can have a scary good time.
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One of the best parts about having a Halloween party or asking people over to watch scary movies is sending hilarious Halloween invitations. If you're looking for a fun way to break the ice this Halloween, we made a series of free, printable Halloween cards. (Or you can save the images and send them as e-cards!) Keep reading to see how you can scare up some good times with our Halloween greeting cards.
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UPDATED: September 14, 2015
Finally! The fourth season of American Horror Story starts this month on October 8th. Ryan Murphy and his evil mind finally have brought the scariest thing in the entire world to primetime FX: murderous clowns. So, to keep our mind off of all the greasepaint, rubber shoes, and Twisty’s murder weapons, we put together some group costumes featuring the past three seasons of AHS. However, these characters are just as weird as Freak Show looks to...
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