So you’re looking to do the whole couples Halloween costume thing are you? Isn’t it fun when you can rock the town together? And who doesn’t want to win the best couple costume award at the party? We get it! You’ve come to the right place to find the ultimate couples costume ideas. We mean, costumes are what we do here. From movie-themed costumes to food costumes, this guide has you covered. Now sit back and get the wheels turning as we tell you some of our couple costume ideas.
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"What are you gonna be for Halloween?" It's a hard enough question to answer for yourself sometimes, but it can be nearly impossible to decide when you are looking for Halloween costume ideas for friends, or perhaps a family of four. But you have to think of all the advantages that go with a group costume: awesome photo opportunities that are sure to be good enough for a picture frame (or Facebook profile picture), you'll be a shoo-in for costume contests, and you'll never lose your friends or family at a crowded Halloween party. Still not sure what to dress up as? Don't fret, we here at HalloweenCostumes.com have put together an awesome guide to help you find group costume themes with enough characters for a group of four!
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When you think of Vikings, what comes to mind? You most likely think of big, powerful warriors with intimidating weapons and helmets ready for a fight. And you’re probably picturing a big group of them on a big ship coming to raid villages. During the Viking Age centuries ago, these Scandinavian warriors made a name for themselves by invading and taking over parts of Northern Europe. Like pirates, they come from the water and attack in their process of taking prisoners, acquiring goods, and taking over territories. Another thing Vikings have in common with pirates is that they make for great Halloween costumes. Want to figure out which Viking garb is the best fit for you? Sound your Gjallarhorn and take a look below for the complete guide to Viking costumes.
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“I'm not going to stand here all day watching you try to be normal when you never will be.” These words were spoken by Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking that was as ruthless as he was wise. Ragnar is the main protagonist of the hit television series Vikings. His wife and shield-maiden, Lagertha, is equally cunning and courageous, and we can’t wait to see more of her when season five continues this November! Are you ready to join their ranks? In anticipation for the rest of Vikings season five, we put together this DIY makeup tutorial to show you how to look like your favorite Viking heroes!
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