Animals have ruled Saturday morning cartoons for decades. Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Scooby-Doo—the list goes on! If you're on the hunt for a unique Halloween costume idea that hails back to the heyday of cartoons on TV, look no further than Alvin and the Chipmunks. The Alvin Show originally dates back to the 1960s, but the cartoon had a comeback in the 80s, along with a series of movies and a new cartoon show in the 2010s. Alvin and the gang have sported a few different looks throughout the years, but they all stick to their signature colors. (Which makes these DIY Halloween costumes easy to recognize!) Keep reading and we'll show you how to make your own Alvin and the Chipmunks costume, along with Halloween costume ideas for the Chipettes.
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Thank you for making our May 2017 People’s Choice Cosplay Contest such a success! We were figuratively deluged in comments and emails for a couple of weeks there. They were pouring in, well, like votes do. (We’re sorry, but votes don’t make great similes.) Anyways, we fed the votes into our Counterator 2000 Machine and–PRESTO!–out popped a name.
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There were so many fantastic entries in our April 2017 Cosplay Contest that it was difficult picking only three winners! So we decided to run a second contest with our top 20 featured cosplays and leave the voting up to the fans. This time we’re giving $1,000 in store credit to HalloweenCostumes.com or Fun.com to the winner. That’s right, it’s a People’s Choice Cosplay Contest, and you get to help decide who wins it all!
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The ballots are in, the votes have been tallied, the numbers have been tabulated, the sums have been checked, and all kinds of other voting things happened. After much deliberation, we have selected the winners of our HalloweenCostumes.com April 2017 Cosplay Contest. Remember that the prizes were $750 (First Place), $400 (Second Place), and $200 (Third Place) in store credit to HalloweenCostumes.com or Fun.com for putting together a truly awesome cosplay.
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Hello cosplayers! Do you like shopping sprees? Do you want awesome free stuff for doing what you already do? Summer convention season is coming up fast, and we want to celebrate by showing off your best cosplay designs and reward you for all the hard work. “What kind of rewards?” you might be asking. How about $750, $400, and $200 in store credit to HalloweenCostumes.com or Fun.com! “But wait, don’t you sell costumes?” We sure do, but we know a good costume when we see it, and we really love what you do. “Okay, so how do I enter?” Here’s a summary:
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The film Jurassic World was kind of a big deal this year, since, you know, it set the all-time record for highest box office sales worldwide and all. BUT. Let's be honest: the best parts of Jurassic World were any nostalgic throwbacks and references to the film that started it all...Jurassic Park! JW is shiny and new, but every character, scene, and line of JP is, and forever will be, classic. If you want to be trendy, go ahead and dress as Owen Grady this year. But if you seek to be hailed a "Halloween hero" by fellow late 80s/early 90s babies this Halloween weekend, go with a classic character from Jurassic Park.
Since we at HalloweenCostumes.com love a challenge, we didn't opt for the black leather clad Dr. Malcolm, the jeans and khaki sporting Dr. Grant, or even the white-suited straw-hatted John Hammond. The Jurassic Park costume that we chose to recreate were two costumes worn by the Barbasol blundering, vending machine...
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