So you have red hair and your pals are begging you to go out in costume this Halloween. Why not dress up in a costume that complements your flaming locks? These Halloween costumes for redheads are a great way to show off (what we hope is) one of your favorite traits while looking like the pop culture character you love! We've rounded up some of the most recognizable redheaded characters, so pick out your favorite and don the costume. You'll love the freedom of not wearing a pesky wig while receiving compliments on your adorable hairdo!
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Dark hair is the most common hair color, which gives plenty of options when it comes to picking character costumes for Halloween! Whether you're hunting for brunette Halloween costumes or costumes with black hair, the world is at your fingertips. There are also tons of costume ideas if your dark hair is curly, long or even short! Keep reading to see what dark hair costume ideas HalloweenCostumes.com has to offer!
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Greetings, golden-haired guys and gals! If you're hoping to skip wearing a wig this Halloween, you're in luck—because there are TONS of blond character costumes for women and men. Superheroes, Disney characters, celebrities, movie and TV costume favorites are all at your fingertips. Keep reading to see all the possibilities when picking the best costumes for blonds!
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What do you do when you have a big old beard and you’re trying to come up with a Halloween costume with a beard? You use it, of course! Embrace that facial hair and let it be part of your ensemble. There’s no reason you need to shave just for Halloween, just get a costume for dudes with beards and you're set! No matter if you have a little stubble, a fine mustache, a long goatee, or a long flowing beard, there’s a costume choice for you. We spent some time combing through the farthest reaches of the internet for inspiration for all you whiskered gentlemen. (There are only so many times guys with beards can put on a dress for a bearded lady costume!) We're looking to create real Halloween costumes for men with beards! (Maybe someday you can find funny beard costumes or costumes for beards!) The sky is the limit here.
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Coming up with costume ideas that start with "C" can sound complicated, but we'll show you that it's a cinch! Plenty of superheroes, foods, historical figures, animals, and more start with the letter "C". Whether you're attending a letter party or a silly Halloween bash, there are enough cool costume ideas for everyone!
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Where do you start when trying to come up with your Halloween costume? A quick dictionary or digital encyclopedia search will tell you to start with the letter "A". What a novel idea! Going from A to Z is certainly one method of ideating, so follow along as we share our favorite costume ideas, starting with the letter "A". We have an entire alphabet of costume ideas, but you might not need the other letters if you find your perfect Halloween costume here!
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