Fairy Wings

Every fairy needs a signature set of wings. Whether you're dressing up as a charming garden sprite, a mischievous woodland trickster, or a powerful dark sorceress, the right costume fairy wings will bring your magical look to life. Our collection of costume fairy wings has a style for every type of fairytale, from ethereal and shimmering to bold and dramatic.
For those looking for a classic touch of magic, girl’s pink fairy wings and Tinker Bell wings are a perfect choice! Little ones are ready to channel a playful, pixie-like character in either lightweight set. Meanwhile, similar pink floral adult costume wings get lifelong fantasy fans dressed for a whimsical experience.
Going for classic Disney fairytale magic? Our officially licensed Disney Fauna Headband and Wings Kit, Disney Flora Headband and Wings Kit, and Disney Merryweather Headband and Wings Kit let fans flutter into a Disney fairytale in no time. Level up your Disney fairy wings look with a visit to our Disney collection filled with everything from the Sleeping Beauty fairies' signature dresses to Cinderella's beloved wingless fairy godmother.
Looking for something with an extra bit of shine? Large colorful holographic costume fairy wings or a holographic body harness with wings create a dazzling effect with every move. Meanwhile, iridescent vinyl waist cincher fairy wings add a unique, stylish touch to any costume fit for Renaissance Faires and music festivals alike.
If you prefer a more dramatic style, dark fairy costume wings will transform your costume into something that mysterious and powerful enchantress from your favorite fantasy novel would LOVE. Fire wings bring the heat with a bold, blazing design that's an easy choice unique fairy costumes and devilish styles.
For anyone diving into the fantastic and mechanical world of steampunk, filigree steampunk costume wings are a must-have! Blending industrial elegance with vintage colors and fairytale style, these costume wings are sure to make your costume a one-of-a-kind look. And if you want to take your magical look beyond the fairy realm, angel wings or theatrical fairy wings can add an extra level of celestial beauty to any outfit.
Whether you’ve been searching for easy-to-wear fairy costume wings for a child’s dress-up box or a defining piece to ensure our fairy costume is a statement-making fantasy look, you don't want to miss our collection!
Find the perfect pair of fairy wings for show-stopping cosplays, classic fairytale vibes, and original character designs. From plush butterfly wings to delicate garden fairy wings, this collection has something for every fairy dream. Order today and let your fresh costume fairy wings help you soar to new heights!