HalloweenCostumes.com Blog (Page 34)

Disney Villains Makeup Tutorials [Video Tutorials]

by |August 7, 2023
Categories: Makeup Tutorials, Movies

Disney Villains Makeup Tutorials

What is it about the Disney villains that we love so much? They're the bad guys, but sometimes we feel sympathetic toward them—even going so far as to root for them! You'd be mad if you were conveniently not invited to a baby shower, right? It would sting if your mirror told you what it really thought of you too. Sure, Maleficent and the Evil Queen may have overreacted a little, but who doesn't at some point? We have a trio of Disney villain makeup tutorials for you, so get ready for some Evil Queen, Maleficent, and Ursula makeup tutorials! You don't want to be one of the poor, unfortunate souls who don't use makeup to your advantage with these Disney villain costumes.


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Red Wigs for All Your Costume Needs

by |July 21, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides

Red Wigs for All Your Costume Needs

From Daphne on Scooby-Doo to Black Widow in the MCU, redheads have always had a special place in movies and television. You can emulate a classic starlet this Halloween with a vintage dress and a glamorous red wig. Even storybook characters are known for their red locks. For example, the mean Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland is a perfect choice for Halloween mischief! However, kids who prefer treats over tricks will probably enjoy a red Ariel wig more. (Who doesn't love The Little Mermaid?) Check out all of these red wigs, in shades from bright flaming red to a tame auburn. We'll help you find the best wig for your Halloween costume!


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Maternity Halloween Costumes That Go Bump in the Night [Costume Guide]

by |July 14, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Family

Maternity Halloween Costumes That Go Bump in the Night

When you're pregnant, wearing a Halloween costume may be the last thing on your mind. Halloween costumes for pregnant ladies can be too restrictive or they just don't look right. We get it! That's why we put together this guide to maternity Halloween costumes that make your comfort the first priority! We've got costumes of pop culture icons and traditional Halloween themes, too. We'll also give you some pregnant Halloween costume ideas and tips. So whether you're in your second trimester or you're toting a newborn, let's show you the most comfortable costumes out there.


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Creative Group Halloween Costumes for Kids

by |July 7, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Family

Creative Group Halloween Costumes for Kids

So your kids want to be a team for Halloween, and you're in need of a creative group costume combination to create some lasting memories. Truth is, you and your kids probably have similar Halloween goals: they have their hearts set on being an epic group, and yours is set on creating treasured memories. Luckily, we're here to help with both! From classic to cutting-edge, we have creative costume combinations that will have any group of children, and their parents, beaming with pride. Here are some winning combos that will help your kids have the best Halloween to date, while you get to sit back, relax, and enjoy the genius of your handiwork. A win-win, don't you think?


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DIY Spider-Verse Costume Ideas [DIY]

by |July 7, 2023

DIY Spider-Verse Costume Ideas

So you decided to wear a Spider-Man costume, but you don't want to look like everyone else. What are your options? Thankfully, there's an entire Spider-Verse of costumes waiting for you! We'll share some easier Spider-Man costumes you can make yourself by tossing a few items together. You'll feel ready to attend a Comic-Con or Halloween party in style! And remember, with great DIYing comes great costume-ability.


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Pawsome Cat Costumes for a Purrfect Halloween [Costume Guide]

by |June 30, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides

Cat Costumes

When you hear people talk about cat costumes, black cat costumes for people probably come to mind first. However, there are also pet costumes that your cats can wear! (Including cats dressed as people—now that's topsy-turvy!) Follow along, and we'll share some of our best costume ideas for cats. They're purrrfectly adorable!


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