HalloweenCostumes.com Blog (Page 73)

Tribute to a Tribute: The Evolution of Katniss Everdeen [Infographic]

by |November 16, 2015

Katniss Evolution of Costumes


Let's be real about Katniss for a second: the girl can rock all kinds of looks. From combat boots to sky-high stilettos, she transforms from a tomboy to the belle of the ball in the blink of an eye. She even manages to look like a trendsetter in her mother's drab blue dress on the day of The Reaping. It's safe to say that jumpsuits are a staple in Katniss' closet because jumpsuits are both sporty and elegant, just like Katniss! We know that she'll wear the red battle suit in the final movie, but we're also wondering, what other outfits will the Girl on Fire unveil? Will there be more stunning jumpsuits? Will she wow us by wearing any more couture dresses from the Capitol? Will her trusty Mockingjay pin stay with her ‘til the very end? Our questions keep piling up as the anticipation mounts! It's safe to say that we are Hunger Games fanatics and we'll gladly admit that we're obsessed with Miss Everdeen's wardrobe. If you're just as pumped for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 as we are, take a look at our infographic. We hope that it will keep you satisfied until the release on Nov. 20th!


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The Galaxy Far, Far Away: A Tour of the Star Wars Universe [Infographic]

by |November 11, 2015

The Galaxy Far, Far Away: A Tour of the Star Wars Universe

The main Star Wars galaxy was much like our own Milky Way: one hundred-thousand light years across with hundreds of millions of stars. And also like ours, many of those stars had planetary systems, some habitable or otherwise useful. (Mining natural resources, for example, or hiding children from their Sith Lord fathers.) You may know them from the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, or even the new Battlefront video game. So without further a-dewback - yes, that happened - let’s travel from the Core World of Coruscant through the most iconic Mid Rim and Outer Rim planets!


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DIY Jurassic Park Dennis Nedry Costume

by |October 31, 2015
Categories: Costume Tutorials, DIY

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The film Jurassic World was kind of a big deal this year, since, you know, it set the all-time record for highest box office sales worldwide and all. BUT. Let's be honest: the best parts of Jurassic World were any nostalgic throwbacks and references to the film that started it all...Jurassic Park! JW is shiny and new, but every character, scene, and line of JP is, and forever will be, classic. If you want to be trendy, go ahead and dress as Owen Grady this year. But if you seek to be hailed a "Halloween hero" by fellow late 80s/early 90s babies this Halloween weekend, go with a classic character from Jurassic Park.

Since we at HalloweenCostumes.com love a challenge, we didn't opt for the black leather clad Dr. Malcolm, the jeans and khaki sporting Dr. Grant, or even the white-suited straw-hatted John Hammond. The Jurassic Park costume that we chose to recreate were two costumes worn by the Barbasol blundering, vending machine...

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DIY Jared Leto Joker from Suicide Squad: Cosplay and Makeup Tutorial

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You thought Jordan Catalano was the quintessential bad boy? Nope! Jared Leto definitely had a few more tricks up his sleeve as far as portraying mysterious, misunderstood dudes. As soon as the now-famous image of Leto as the Joker, covered in tats and lookin’ a little wild, flew onto the internet shelves, people went nuts. They loved it. They hated it. Whatever they felt, no one could stop talking about it! (Ourselves included.) Re-inspired by the new cover of Empire magazine, we dropped everything to create this Joker makeup tutorial and Cosplay look.


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Be the Best There Is at What You Do: DIY Wolverine & Alternate Logan Costume Ideas

by |October 30, 2015

Be the Best There Is at What You Do: DIY Wolverine & Alternate Logan Costume Ideas

James "Logan" Howlett, better known as Wolverine, is the most iconic character in Marvel’s superhero team the X-Men, and possibly in Marvel comics as a whole. He’s pretty much the leader of the X-Men, if you ignore Scott “Prettyboy-I-Mean-Cyclops” Summers, which you should. (Ooh! Shots Energy beams fired.) What this means is that Wolverine has always been a popular choice...

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Cute Turned Creepy: DIY Bloody Bunny Costume

by |October 29, 2015
Categories: Costume Tutorials, DIY, Horror



Remember the childhood poem about Little Bunny Foo Foo? He was a fluffy little jerk who would harass all the field mice by bopping them on the heads. Well, karma finally bit Bunny Foo Foo on his furry bottom!

The Good Fairy had enough of his disrespect and she did way more than just turn him into a goon. She took him to her hideaway and The Good Fairy and her magical friends used their wands to cause that bunny bully some serious pain. No one quite knows what happened to Little Bunny Foo Foo; he won't discuss it. We even called The Good Fairy to answer some of our pressing questions regarding the incident, but she hasn't returned any of our calls.

Now Foo Foo spends the majority of his days moping around the briar patch, trying to find a way to keep his eyeball from hanging out of its socket. Has he finally learned his lesson? Only time will tell. We hope, for Foo Foo's sake, that he stays on the fairies' good side!

If you want to concoct your own DIY Bloody Bunny Costume and pay your respects to the former fuzzy tormentor you once sang about...we'll teach you how! Keep in mind, hare today...goon tomorrow!



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