Cold Weather Costumes for Trick-or-Treating

by |October 7, 2018
Categories: Costume Guides, Family

Cold Weather Costumes for Trick or Treating

While a fairy princess might have sounded like a good idea in the beginning of the month, now the cold weather has hit and there is no way your kiddos will get through the whole night trick-or-treating without shivering! Don’t worry, we’ve got some great cold weather alternatives for trick-or-treating! Get a cold weather Halloween costume like these and your little ones can have an awesome costume and be warm all night!

Cold Weather Animal Costumes

Kids' Animal Costumes

Shark OnesieIguanaBlack Cat OnesieDeluxe Lion
Black BatLlama JumpsuitToddler BulldogBrown Bear

Your little animal can be their own animal for Halloween! Our animal costumes are soft and warm, purr-fect for colder weather trick-or-treating. The best part, we have tons of animals to choose from at! You can go the classic cat or dog route or spice it up with the adorable red panda or sloth. No matter which costume you purchase, your kiddo is going to be nice and toasty!

Cold Weather Dinosaur Costumes

Kids' Dinosaur Costumes

BrontosaurusPink PterodactylVelociraptorPurple Raptor
Pink DinosaurPterodactylTriceratopsDilophosaurus

It's a well-established fact that kids love dinosaurs. So why not buy one of our many dino costumes available online? Your little one can pick their favorite and practice their best dino roar while being warm and comfy all night! Most of our dinosaur costumes come with cozy head pieces and boot covers. So layering underneath is easy!

Cold Weather Witch and Wizard Costumes

Kids' Wizard and Witch Costumes

Classic WitchClassic WizardDark WitchDark Wizard
WarlockSalem WitchToddler WizardDeluxe Witch

When it comes to Halloween is there anything more traditional than a spooky witch costume? We don’t think so! Witches and wizards are a great choice for cold weather trick-or-treating. With long robes and pointy hats, these are great costumes for cooler weather! Add some fingerless gloves as a fun accessory with some added warmth!

Cold Weather Astronaut Costumes

Kids' Astronaut Costumes

White AstronautGirls' AstronautZombie AstronautNASA Jumpsuit
Astronaut JumpsuitSilver SpacemanPink AstronautOrange Astronaut

Is your kiddo obsessed with space? Do they dream of walking on the moon or exploring Mars? Well, suit them up in one of their very own astronaut suits for a trick-or-treating adventure! Our astronaut costumes are great for cold weather, and even have matching helmets!

Cold Weather Medieval and Renaissance Costumes

Kids' Renaissance Costumes

Girls' KnightCrusader KnightQueen CostumeVillage Boy
King CostumeToddler QueenDark KnightRenaissance Maiden

Don’t worry! Princess and knight are still an option for colder weather! We have tons of great Renaissance costumes for kids to live out their childhood dream of being a king or queen. And our favorite part? These costumes make it easy to layer! Add a pair of leggings and a long sleeve shirt to your favorite renaissance dress or knight costume and you’ll be cozy all night long. Feel like going a little more rogue? Try one of our Robin Hood costumes. The hood keeps your kiddo's ears warm all night long!

Cold Weather Superhero Costumes

Kids' Superhero Costumes

Miles Morales Spider-ManToddler Batgirl OnesieChild SupermanCaptain Marvel
Shuri Black PantherClassic FlashToddler Ghost SpiderCaptain America

Kids love superheroes! And we have plenty of cozy superhero costumes to choose from! From Supergirl to Batman, there’s a variety of styles with extra padding to help keep your hero warm! Add a cape or some boots for added layers and protect the neighborhood from candy-stealing villains!


Cold Weather Costumes for Adults

Adult Cold Weather Costumes

Cruella DeVil CoatSecret Agent Trench CoatWomen's 80s Ski Suit Men's 80s Tracksuit Costume
Western CoatTina Goldstein Coat CostumeNewt Scamander CoatPlus Size Mary Poppins

While it's important for the kids to stay warm as they trick-or-treat on Halloween, we don't want you to forget about yourself either! (After all, you're probably going to be there with them helping your kids walk around the block and scoping out the best candy houses.) You can find a variety of fun costume coats to help you keep warm, as well as a few 80s-themed ski suits. You'll look ready for some vintage Olympics in no time.


Did you find something warm and cozy for your trick-or-treaters? Let us know your favorite costume for cold weather trick-or-treating in the comments! Some of our favorite costumes for chilly days are animal costumes, which also make great costumes for your kids to play pretend in after Halloween is all over. However, we're sure you can find plenty of other great cold-weather costume ideas at!

Molly Schwichtenberg
Molly Schwichtenberg

Molly is the Marketing Manager and writer for

While her icon shows her dressed as Wonder Woman, her true Halloween costume goal is to dress as a member of the Barden Bellas. (Oh, and singing like she’s in Pitch Pefect wouldn’t be so bad, either.) You can find her at Twitter @mollyhalloween1 or on LinkedIn @mschwichtenberg.

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