Posts by Molly Schwichtenberg

Molly Schwichtenberg
Molly Schwichtenberg

Molly is the Marketing Manager and writer for

While her icon shows her dressed as Wonder Woman, her true Halloween costume goal is to dress as a member of the Barden Bellas. (Oh, and singing like she’s in Pitch Pefect wouldn’t be so bad, either.) You can find her at Twitter @mollyhalloween1 or on LinkedIn @mschwichtenberg.

Spoiler: Fat Thor - Avengers: Endgame DIY

Avengers Fat Thor DIY

Avengers: Endgame came out with a bang, grossing over $1.2 billion worldwide on opening weekend. This made it the biggest worldwide opening (at the time) over its predecessor Infinity War which held the previous record of $640 million. The release of the final movie in the Infinity Saga brought out many critics in regards to character evolutions, none more so than Thor who undergoes the biggest transformation of all. While some viewed this as hilarious others were outraged by the transformation into Bro Thor, accusing it of fat-shaming. He becomes the butt of many jokes throughout the movie. The Russo brothers and Chris Hemsworth, on the other hand, were delighted in how the character turned out, indicating that they had many conversations about the character arc before production began.


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Halloween Costumes for Teachers

by |October 22, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Humor

Halloween Costumes for Teachers

Once a year, teachers get to lower the veil between being a responsible educator and the silly little fun-havers that they are in real life (or "IRL" as the kids say). But you're a teacher, and you want a Halloween costume that's fun, appropriate, and shares your love of learning with your students. Well, you've come to the right place! We've rounded up the best costumes for teachers and even separated them by subject. (Though, if we're keeping it real, all teachers collectively specialize in one thing: witty comebacks for, "What? I'm just texting my mom!") Hold on to your seats, blackboard bandits—costume school is now in session!


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Maternity Halloween Costumes That Go Bump in the Night [Costume Guide]

by |July 14, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Family

Maternity Halloween Costumes That Go Bump in the Night

When you're pregnant, wearing a Halloween costume may be the last thing on your mind. Halloween costumes for pregnant ladies can be too restrictive or they just don't look right. We get it! That's why we put together this guide to maternity Halloween costumes that make your comfort the first priority! We've got costumes of pop culture icons and traditional Halloween themes, too. We'll also give you some pregnant Halloween costume ideas and tips. So whether you're in your second trimester or you're toting a newborn, let's show you the most comfortable costumes out there.


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Pirate Costumes for All Ages [Costume Guide]

Pirate Costumes for All Ages

Ahoy, mateys! Looking to dress like a pirate for Halloween or some other costume party? Whether you're attending a swashbuckling soiree or taking the tots trick-or-treating, you've come to the right place. Our pirate costumes scream adventure! The billowing pirate shirts, the skull and crossbones patches, the eyepatches—there's just something about pirate costumes that makes them perfect for dress-up and Halloween. Arrr!


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Halloween iOS 14 Home Screen Icons and Tutorial

by |October 15, 2020
Categories: Resource

Halloween iOS 14 Home Screen Icons and Tutorial

After the recent iOS 14 Apple update, our phone screens have never looked so personalized! However, choosing a color scheme, new app icons, and a background to unify it all sounds like a lot of work. That’s why we went ahead and did some of it for you...Halloween style! After all, it's spooky season so your phone screen should reflect that.


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Tell Me More, All Your Grease FAQs Answered

Grease FAQs Answered

Summer loving have you a blast? Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson's summer love in Grease is one of the most memorable musical love stories to come out of the '70s. Being part of the Pink Ladies was a girl’s dream. While many boys raced cars pretending they were part of the greaser T-Birds. Still today they are among the most popular Halloween costumes. Its success both critically and commercially even spawned a sequel in 1982. For those less familiar with the movie you likely have questions about it. That’s why we’ve put together a list of top asked questions with their answers.


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