Tiffany and Chucky Makeup Tutorial for Spooky Guys and Dolls [Makeup Tutorial]

by |July 11, 2022

Tiffany and Chucky Makeup Tutorials

There's so much to love about 80s horror movies! We love the practical effects, soundtracks, and iconic villains. Then there are the sequels—love them or hate them, we get introduced to new characters and plots. Chucky, the king of the scary dolls, makes a great costume idea for Halloween, but don't forget about Tiffany! Also, if you love to do makeup to go with your costume, Tiffany and Chucky are great subjects for scary makeup ideas. Follow along with @sydneynicoleaddams to see how to make a Chucky makeup look and Halloween makeup for Tiffany!


Chucky Makeup Tutorial

Hi, I'm Chucky, your friend till the end!


Chucky Makeup Tutorial Transcript

Hello everybody! My name is Sydney Nicole Addams, and today I am doing a Chucky tutorial in partnership with Yes, look at that little Chucky doll in the back—he's so cute! HalloweenCostumes gifted him to me as well as the costume you are going to be seeing at the end of this tutorial. But, let's get into this look.

I went ahead and did one red brow, and then traced out the stitches that Chucky had on his face, on the right-hand side of my face, and then went back in and drew the other brow around the markings that I made. Just, you know, because that's what I wanted to do!

I'm laying down my eyeshadow base. I'm going to be doing a really dramatic, really dark red, smoky look. I just wanted to go for a very dark red—rich, red, dark vibes. You know? If Chucky was a girl, what kind of eyeshadow would she wear? You get my point. I used this Chucky doll for my Tiffany Valentine look as well, so make sure you check that look out. And, check out all the photos I took for it because it is so cute!

I'm doing a really giant, winged liner because that's my favorite, and then for skin care, I'm really prepping my skin and I'm really hydrating it because, lately, your girl has felt like a dry desert. I always have very dry skin because I live in Colorado where it is exceptionally dry. Okay, there is no humidity at all, no moisture, so I'm just packing it—my skin—full of moisture, all the time before I do my makeup. Because, your girl is like sandpaper. You know?

I'm brightening my under-eyes. I love to use a pink-white base underneath my concealer to really, really brighten it. And then, I just layer everything on. I make sure that I dab everything in place so that it does not move around. And then, I'm going to set my whole face with my powder. Meet my powder, can't live without it!

For contouring, I'm really chiseling out my cheekbones, just the normal contour, you know? Giving Chucky a little blush. Slow movement. I'm putting some freckles on, I really didn't really do a good job, you guys. Freckles are not my, you know, something that I have done many times in my makeup career, but Chucky has a few little freckles, so I decided to pop them on there.

And then, I'm going in with a red gel liner, and I am drawing in the scars that Chucky has on his face, or the cuts. So, I definitely looked at a reference picture while I did this, and I did it to the best of my ability. I also did my best to blend the scars in with the eyeshadow on my right side, because I was having a hard time figuring out how to fill it in, because the whole lid Chuky had is all red, so... Anyway, my point is that I had a hard time figuring it out.

I'm drawing on the stitch marks now too. I didn't want to go too crazy with detail, I'm just going to add rhinestones on top of it, so I really wanted the rhinestones to pop. I didn't want to be too crazy-detailed, you know? You probably have seen some of my past stitches that I've done, and they're really detailed stitches. You can probably see a few tutorials that are on my YouTube, so go check that out.

I'm just filling in all the red now. I decided that this is what I wanted to do, so I went ahead and filled it in, and I just set it with some red eyeshadow. Highlighting the inner points of my eye, my eyebrow bone, doing my inner corner point with my liquid liner, adding my mascara.

Yeah, gemstones. I put those down for a second and came back to them because your girl was scared. So, this is the costume from Look how cute! I'm so obsessed with it! It's a top and then an overall skirt set. I love overall skirts—overall anything, I love overalls! I went ahead and crimped my natural hair, and I'm putting some bow ties in that came with the costume I got. Also, put earrings in.

I'm applying my lashes, you know I do everything else before I have to apply rhinestones because, not fun! I'm highlighting my eye so my eyelashes look nice and natural. Lining my lips with a dark brown lip liner, and then I'm going to go in with a liquid lipstick in a red shade, so I'm just popping that on. And then, we go back into the rhinestones. Ugh. I hate applying rhinestones, but I love the way they look. I just use an adhesive. You can use lash glue, and then I just use a little pen, pick up the rhinestones, and then wham, bam, thank you ma'am! All done!

I was going to do a lot more rhinestones, but at this point, I was so over it. You know? You're just done with a makeup look, and like, "I gotta be done". But, I need rhinestones. I need sparkle. So, I forced myself to add some. Thank you guys so much for watching! I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Thank you,, for teaming up with me on all of these spooky looks. Make sure you guys check out my other tutorials, and I will see you next time!


Finished Chucky Makeup

Chucky Makeup

Makeup by @sydneynicoleaddams 


What You Need to Do Your Own Chucky Makeup

Chucky Makeup Products

Sexy Chucky CostumeFalse EyelashesGraftobian Makeup WheelLatex-Free Makeup Adhesive
Killer Doll WigMehron Setting PowderMehron Makeup Barrier SprayLiquid Eyeliner

You'll need your own facial moisturizer and beauty basics like foundation and concealer in addition to the other costume makeup items, and don't forget your costume and wig! Chucky has a shock of red hair, so of course, you'll need a red wig. False eyelashes and a good liquid eyeliner are recommended for bold costume makeup, along with setting powder or spray to keep your makeup in place. Our WWE makeup wheel by Graftobian is the perfect choice for Chucky, as it includes two different reds for making those scars and stitches, along with both white and black makeup. We also highly recommend Mehron's adhesive if you add lashes and rhinestones to your Chucky makeup. We hope you have a blast!


Tiffany Makeup Tutorial

My mother always said love was supposed to set you free.


Tiffany Makeup Tutorial Transcript

Hello everybody! My name is Sydney Nicole Addams, and today I am teaming up with to show you what this Tiffany Valentine, (also known as the bride of Chucky), makeup look. So, I am doing the human version of Tiffany. So, in the beginning of the movie before her soul goes into the little doll. I'm doing her beforehand, so when she's summoning Chucky. She kills her boyfriend Damien, and, you know, all that fun stuff.

So, I'm doing her cute pink eye look and the pink lipstick, very simple. I'm making it a little bit more modern or more my style than what she has in the movie. Honestly, it's a lot more simple, but you know I had to do my favorite signature winged liner. I am doing quite a big winged liner, but I tried not to go for my typical very giant. Okay, some of you are going to be like, "you're crazy, that's giant, Sydney, what are you talking about?".

I am so excited to do this look because I have done the doll version of Tiffany many times, multiple times. A makeup look, a cosplay, I have done it so many times throughout the years, and I was really excited to do the human version, because I have never actually done the human version. Please make sure you guys go check that out.

I'm trying to make my skin as flawless as I possibly can, because I mean, come on. Tiffany's flawless, she's perfect, right? So, I'm really trying to make my skin look perfect. But, it was very dry this day. So, I did a lot of foundation and a lot of layers of concealer. I used this spray because it just makes your skin look glowy. I let it dry. Look at that fan, so cute.

And then I go back in and I add a little bit more powder. This, what I'm doing for my skin, in this video is great for photos, and that was my plan. I was going to take photos after this. So, you know, when your makeup needs to be really, really dramatic. This is great for photos. You'll see what I'm talking about.

I really went in and highlighted my skin as well. I wanted my skin to look like glass. I know you can see on the left-hand side of me, that is, your left-hand side looking at the screen, in the back, that is the wig that I'm going to be wearing. And, I styled that wig a few days ago. And, it was my first wig that I had actually styled like that, and I'm still learning how to style wigs and apply them, so you know, we're getting somewhere.

I'm doing some pointy liner, making it real nice and dramatic, but not too crazy. Add some little lashes. Tiff has these little bottom lashes on in the Bride of Chucky movie, if you look up some of her close-up shots of her makeup. You can see they're little fake lashes on the bottom, but I just put a lot of mascara on my lower lashes so that it turned out that way. I popped on my wig and my costume from HalloweenCostumes—so cute! You guys have to go check out their website. They have so many costumes! Any character you can think of is on there. So, make sure you go check them out. Accessories, everything.

I'm applying Tiff's signature pink lip , doing her mole, her little beauty mark, and that is that, you guys! Thank you so much for watching, and thank you, HalloweenCostumes, for partnering with me on this Tiffany look. Thank you guys so much for watching, and I'll see you next time. Bye!


Finished Tiffany Makeup

Tiffany Makeup

Makeup by @sydneynicoleaddams 


What You Need to Do Your Own Tiffany Makeup

Tiffany Makeup Products

Gothic Hooded Dress CostumeClear Eyelash Adhesive6-Pack Makeup SpongesMehron Setting Powder
Bride of Chucky CostumeBlack EyelashesStyleable Fever Nicole WigLiquid Eyeliner

In a similar vein to Chucky, you'll need your own beauty basics for this Tiffany Valentine makeup tutorial. You'll want pink lipstick, blush, and eyeshadow along with the concealer and foundation. We also recommend makeup brushes or sponges and setting powder, as well as eyelashes, eyelash glue, and your favorite liquid eyeliner. Of course, don't forget your costume! While there is an officially licensed Bride of Chucky costume, the Gothic hooded dress costume also has big Tiffany vibes. Get a heat-styleable wig if you don't naturally have blond hair, and you'll be cosplay-ready in no time!


Are you excited to try these Chucky makeup tutorials? Were you looking to put your own spin on Chucky himself, or are you more of a Tiffany girl? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments! We hope you'll take a look at some of our other makeup tutorials if you need even more ideas.

Angela Poch
Angela Poch

Angela Poch is an Inbound Marketing Specialist and Resident Crazy Cat Lady at, where she is an assistant editor and covers tutorials, crafting and pop culture. Angela has created costumes and props for Halloween events, conventions and Renaissance festivals.

Some of her favorite costumes include 90s Rogue, a custom Jedi, warrior elf, and some nameless Renaissance pirate. (She’s still figuring out how to make a Jedi light-chakram.) You can find her on Bluesky or her cats on Instagram @stardustnebulanova.

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