How to Make an Energizer Bunny Costume

by |September 7, 2012
Categories: Costume Tutorials, DIY

Have no clue what to go as for Halloween this year? You really do not want to go as a random celebrity or movie character? Why not shake things up a bit, and go as a battery mascot? That's right, it's quite easy to pull together an Energizer Bunny costume.

Energizer Bunny

kids bunny costumeadult bunny costumeBlues sunglasses

Energizer Bunny



Bunny Costume

First, you need a pink bunny outfit. Thankfully, has got you covered. Whether it be for an adult or a child, they sell the size you need.


Energizer Bunny Collage

 (Adult Energizer Bunny Costume / Kids Energizer Bunny Costume)


If you don't have time to order the costume, why not go to the thrift store or local store and pick up a pink sweatshirt, sweatpants, bunny ears, and a bag of cotton balls for a tail. For the tail, you will have to glue the cotton balls together, and pin it on the back of the costume to gain the full effect.



Next, you need the accessories that complete the outfit. You will need black sunglasses, a drum, drumsticks, black face paint and flip-flops.




For the rest of your accessories, you may have to get creative or to shop locally. For the whiskers and nose, you will need black face paint or a black eyeliner pencil. A pair of black or blue flip-flops to match the Energizer Bunny’s.

You will have to get a little crafty when it comes to the drum and drumsticks. More than likely, you will not be able to find a cheap drum at a thrift store. Since this is probably going to be a one-time costume, save some money and make your own drum and sticks.


For the drum:

  • Buy some white stiff paper or cardboard, and cut two matching circular shapes.

  • On the two white circles, either print off or paint the Energizer Battery logo.

  • Next, glue something between the two circles to keep them from collapsing in on themselves.

  • Take some white wrapping paper, draw a red zigzag pattern on it, and make sure it matches the Bunny’s drum. Take this paper, wrap it between the two circles, and glue/tape it.

  • After this, fasten a long piece of fabric to the drum, and tie it around your waist.


For the drumsticks:

  • You can find long, wooden sticks at any craft store.

  • Once you’ve purchased them, you need the red tips. Red felt or red fabric should do.

  • Take some scrap paper, scrunch it up, and glue it to the end of the stick. Wrap the red felt/fabric around the paper, and attach it.


Viola! You now have a complete Energizer Bunny costume!

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