DIY Lara Croft Wetsuit Costume

by |January 3, 2014

Not that we need a specific reason to talk about Lara Croft [cuzzzz she's awesome year-round!], BUT for those wondering: we have one! On January 28th, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will be released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. So whether you're planning on picking up a copy of the game, or you're just a Lara superfan like us, we have a sexy wetsuit tutorial you're sure to love!


in game lara croft reference photo


We had the pleasure of teaming up with Sara from to bring you this step by step DIY on how to create the show-stopping wetsuit costume from Tomb Raider: Underworld. There's plenty of time to try your hand at this tutorial before the Definitive Edition release, and time with time leftover if you want to give it a go for Halloween 2014 :) Take it away, Sara!


The Finished Look

DIY Lara Croft Wetsuit Costume Images

Looking good, girl! Love the multitude of poses.



The Supplies

Products used for DIY Lara Croft Costume

Black Vinyl-Coated Catsuit         Gun Set

Scissors, Yellow Ribbon, Yellow Thread, Hot Glue Gun


Hi guys! My name is Sara and i am the creator of I am here because I was given the opportunity to contribute to this blog by showing you how to build your very own Tomb Raider wetsuit! Thanks to this awesome catsuit, the process is incredibly easy!


Whiplash Honey Costume Before and After

Here's a "before and after" look at the catsuit.



Step 1

Lara Croft DIY Step One

With a pair of sharp scissors, cut the legs off the catsuit. Turn it inside out and fold the ends upward so it makes it bikini style, then hem it.



Step 2

Lara Croft DIY Step Two

Once the suit is hemmed, the majority of work is already done!  It's time to add the yellow ribbon.

Cut the approximate lengths of the ribbons by laying them on the suit. Get ready to sew them on.



Step 3

Lara Croft DIY Step Three

You may choose, as I did, to hot glue the ribbon onto the collar.

This makes the collar more rigid so that it stands up straight.



Step 4 

Lara Croft DIY Step Four

Stitch the rest of the ribbons onto the suit.

You can always just use fabric glue if you're not comfortable sewing!



All Set

With these simple steps and the addition of a high quality brown wig, your Lara Croft wetsuit look will surely be a hit. If you'd like to add more details as Sara did, she has created two additional tutorials for the backpack and the utility belt!


Tomb Raider: Underworld Wig

Fever Black Wig

This is the wig we suggest, as it is safe to be styled with heat products up to 248 degrees F.

You can wear it straight as Lara, and curly for a fun night on the town!



Lara Croft DIY Tutorial

More of a visual learner? Fear not: there's a video! Enjoy.
's a couple more pics of the final look:

Tomb Raider Underworld Wetsuit Costume

Thanks, Sara - you nailed it!

Aleksandra Sobic
Aleksandra Sobic

Aleksandra is’s brand manager and senior Mario consultant. She believes that her stature, hair, passion for pink, and reverence of cake, make her the ideal candidate to play Princess Peach on Broadway. Some additional interests include crafting, wine, correcting people’s grammar, obsessing over Jurassic Park (remember, women inherit the earth!), and brainstorming ways to make sexy costume representations of typically un-sexy pop culture characters. Donkey Kong was a breeze but Jabba the Hutt is proving formidable.

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