It's dangerous to go alone, take this! These video game costumes are just what you need on your quest for the perfect video game cosplay or Halloween costume. We have taken a selection of iconic video game characters and compiled a handy list of costumes and accessories to help give you some great video game costume ideas! We didn't want to throw too many at you, so we left off most of the sports video games and TV and movie-based video games to cover them in our other blog categories. Do you have a favorite video game? Is your favorite video game character on this list? (Is the cake really a lie?) Check out this list and you can see how your classic video game costume ideas compare with ours! You might even find a new video game costume idea just waiting for your next life.
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The iconic Miss Lara Croft has been steadily raiding her way into our hearts since debuting in 1996. In fact, she is arguably the gaming world's most recognizable female character! In anticipation of the release of Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition on the 28th, we wanted to take a look back at the visual evolution of this leading gaming lady. Her famed blue tank and twin hip holsters sure have come a long way - from 540 polygons to motion capture realism, to be precise...
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Not that we need a specific reason to talk about Lara Croft [cuzzzz she's awesome year-round!], BUT for those wondering: we have one! On January 28th, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will be released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. So whether you're planning on picking up a copy of the game, or you're just a Lara superfan like us, we have a sexy wetsuit tutorial you're sure to love!
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