How often do you or your child wear Halloween costumes outside of Halloween? Many people dress up for costume parties, conventions, spirit days, and more. However, kids and teachers may get additional opportunities to wear educational costumes for school! For example, dressing as a historical figure is common for history projects or history teachers. If you need a historical figure costume, you've come to the right place! Keep reading to discover our favorite historical person costume ideas.
1. Rosa Parks Costumes
Adult Rosa Parks Costume | Kids' Rosa Parks Costume |
Rosa Parks was an American civil rights activist. She's best known for the Mongomery bus boycott, during which she refused to give up her seat to protest segregation. Eventually, she was recognized as "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of freedom of movement." We won't spoil the rest of your child's history report, but Rosa Parks was part of several pivotal civil rights campaigns that put her in the annals of US history!
2. George Washington Costumes
Plus Size George Washington Costume | Kids' George Washington Costume | Adult George Washington Costume |
George Washinton is frequently the topic of school-related history projects as a Founding Father and the first President of the United States. Of course, there's much more to uncover about the man on the dollar bill. He fought in the French and Indian War and was commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. What else do you know about George Washington?
3. Marie Curie Costumes
Adult Marie Curie Costume | Child Marie Curie Costume |
Are you familiar with the mother of modern physics? Marie Curie was a brilliant woman whose research extended into physics, chemistry, and radioactivity. She was a co-winner with her husband on her first Nobel Prize, which made them the first married couple to receive the award. (And she was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, too!) She went on to earn a second Nobel Prize, the first ever person to do so. Marie Curie's list of achievements is long, so go check her out!
4. William Shakespeare Costume
Kids' William Shakespeare Costume
To wear or not to wear, that is the question. William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers of all time! His plays have been translated into all of the major world languages and are still performed more frequently than any other playwright. (That's pretty wild for someone who died in 1616!) Any budding young writers would love to learn more about the beloved Bard of Avon.
5. Mary Eliza Mahoney Costume or Florence Nightingale Costume
Mary Eliza Mahoney/Florence Nightingale Costume | Child Vintage Nurse Costume |
Mary Eliza Mahoney and Florence Nightingale were two influential nurses who lived and worked in the 1800s. Florence Nightingale is known as the founder of modern nursing. She was also known as the "Lady of the Lamp" for making her nightly rounds looking for wounded soldiers. Mary Eliza Mahoney made history as the first African American to study and work professionally as a trained nurse in the United States. She was also involved in the civil rights and women's suffrage movements and was among the first women in Boston registered to vote.
6. Abraham Lincoln Costumes
Adult Abraham Lincoln Costume | Kids' Abraham Lincoln Costume |
People often say they don't make presidents like they used to—and people usually reference Abraham Lincoln when they do. Honest Abe was born in poverty and self-taught, climbing from a lawyer to a Whig party leader, then Illinois state legislator and US representative. He was President through the American Civil War and aided in abolishing slavery in the United States. Abraham Lincoln was a national hero and martyr and was often remembered as one of the greatest US presidents.
7. Helen Keller Costumes
Adult Helen Keller Costume | Kids' Helen Keller Costume |
Time and again, people overcome incredible odds that seem insurmountable. Helen Keller lost both her sight and hearing after a terrible illness at 19 months old. With the aid of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, Helen learned to read and write, and she eventually became the first deafblind person to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. Helen became a writer and disability advocate and campaigned for women's suffrage, world peace, and labor rights. Her story is so amazing that she still inspires people today!
8. Frederick Douglass Costume
Frederick Douglass escaped a life of slavery and became the most influential leader for African-American civil rights in 19th-century America. He was an accomplished writer and orator, writing three autobiographies chronicling his life that were influential in promoting abolition. Frederick also held several public offices and was even the first African American nominated for vice president of the United States. He ran on the Equal Rights Party ticket with Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for President. We won't spoil everything for you, so learn more about Frederick Douglass!
9. Jane Austen Costumes
Plus Size Jane Austen Costume | Kids' Jane Austen Costume | Adult Jane Austen Costume |
Did you know that Jane Austen received very little fame for her writing during her lifetime? She published her novels anonymously, becoming more renowned after her death. During her day, most women authors published anonymously, as it wasn't proper for women to be more than wives and mothers. Her books frequently critiqued the landed gentry and discussed women's dependence on marriage for economic security and social standing. After being published, her books are still very rarely out of print!
10. Vincent Van Gogh Costume
Adult Vincent Van Gogh Costume
It was common for artists not to be recognized for their work until after death. Vincent Van Gogh is one such artist. He was part of the post-impressionist movement, known for his thick application of paint and bold use of color. He struggled with his mental health for much of his life, famously mutilating his ear in a fit of rage. (Which resulted in a very famous self-portrait.) Vincent Van Gogh created an astounding 2,100 artworks, most of which were done in his final two years. His unique style contributed to the rise of expressionism in modern art.
11. Ida B. Wells Costume
Investigative journalists are often known for their tenacity and courage; the same can be said for Ida B. Wells. She was an investigative journalist and civil rights advocate who used her writing to expose racial inequality and advocate for justice. Her work even struck a chord that resulted in a mob destroying her newspaper office and presses, yet she bravely continued her work. Not only did she write for newspapers, but she was also a public speaker and lecturer who advocated for the rights of African Americans.
12. Theodore Roosevelt Costumes
Adult Teddy Roosevelt Costume | Kids' Teddy Roosevelt Costume |
Few presidents are as iconic or influential as Theodore Roosevelt. He was an incredibly sickly child, so he adopted a rigorous lifestyle that he continued throughout his presidency. Teddy championed conservation and trust-busting and is heralded as the architect of the modern presidency. He established a number of national parks to preserve natural resources, spearheaded the development of the Panama Canal, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the Russo-Japanese War. (He was the first American to win a Nobel Peace Prize!) His list of accomplishments is so long that we'd hardly be able to contain them here.
13. Amelia Earhart Costumes
Adult Amelia Earhart Costume | Kids' Amelia Earhart Costume |
Early aviation was a daring profession, but we're thankful for those willing to assume the risk so we could make the advancements in flight we have today! Amelia Earhart was a pioneer of aviation. She was the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and famously disappeared in her attempt to be the first woman pilot to fly around the world. Aside from her influence in aviation, she embraced women's rights.
14. Napoleon Bonaparte Costume
Child Napoleon Bonaparte Costume
Some historical figures, while they made an impact, remain controversial. Napoleon Bonaparte is one such figure, famous for his extensive military campaigns across Europe. Historians still debate whether he laid the foundations of modern Europe or was a megalomaniac who wrought misery with his expansionist ideals. While he was a powerful man who accomplished much in his lifetime, he was captured by the British and exiled to Saint Helena for the remainder of his life.
15. Susan B. Anthony Costumes
Adult Susan B. Anthony Costume | Kids' Susan B. Anthony Costume |
There's so much to learn about the woman who was the first to be represented on US coinage. (Her head is seen on some dollar coins!) Susan B. Anthony was a well-known social reformer and women's rights activist who was especially notable for her role in the women's suffrage movement. She traveled extensively for her endeavors, including abroad, to spread women's rights advocacy internationally. Susan was a powerful speaker and campaigner, leaving a legacy that still impacts us today.
16. Neil Armstrong Costume and Guion Stewart Bluford Jr. Costume
Adult Astronaut Costume | Kids' Astronaut Costume |
There are several astronauts about whom you could write a history report. You have Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, and Guion Stewart Bluford, Jr., the first African American to go to space. Both men went to school as aeronautical or aerospace engineers and were pilots for the US Navy or Air Force before becoming astronauts. Does your child want to become an astronaut, too?
17. Queen Elizabeth I Costume
Adult Queen Elizabeth I Costume
How many people can say they were influential enough to have a time period named after them? Meet Queen Elizabeth I, the reigning monarch of the Elizabethan Era. She had an incredibly long reign, from 1558 to 1603. She was the only surviving child of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn but did not immediately succeed to the throne upon Henry's death. (Being a monarch is complicated!) Queen Elizabeth was hailed as the ruler of a golden age for England and a heroine for the Protestant cause.
18. Leonardo da Vinci Costumes
Adult Leonardo da Vinci Costume | Kids' Leonardo da Vinci Costume |
When someone says they want to be a Renaissance Man, they refer to someone like Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo was a polymath, someone with vast knowledge in multiple subjects. He is well-known as a painter, sculptor, scientist, engineer, architect, draftsman and theorist. He was an utter genius, giving us works of art like the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, as well as early concepts of flying machines and discoveries in human anatomy. The more you learn about Leonardo, the more astounding his achievements are!
19. Harriet Tubman Costumes
Adult Harriet Tubman Costume | Kids' Harriet Tubman Costume |
Harriet Tubman is well-known for her work with the Underground Railroad, a network of antislavery activists who worked to free slaves. She was an abolitionist and social activist who even served as a scout and spy in the Union Army. Tubman even received credit as the first woman to lead an armed military operation for her guidance at the raid at Combahee Ferry.
20. Thomas Edison Costumes
Adult Thomas Edison Costumes | Kids' Thomas Edison Costumes |
Thomas Edison was an American inventor and businessman famous for devices like the lightbulb and phonograph. He was one of the first inventors to employ a research team and the first to build a research laboratory. Later, he established a botanical laboratory that contained the world's first film studio, the Black Maria. By the end of his career, he had 1,903 US patents! He was a father of invention, indeed.
21. Clara Barton Costumes
Adult Clara Barton Costume | Kids' Clara Barton Costume |
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. Clara Barton was originally a schoolteacher, but the Civil War caused many civilians to pivot from their routines, including Clara Barton. As wounded soldiers came home, she learned how to store medical supplies and would offer emotional support by soldiers' bedsides. She later learned wound care and nursing techniques in the field without formal nursing education. Clara is best known for founding the American Red Cross Association.
22. Julius Caesar Costumes
Julius Caesar Costume | Kids' Julius Caesar Costume |
Some historical figures are famous for their impact, even if their actions led to the fall of an empire. For example, Julius Caesar was the leader of the Roman Empire, and his actions were directly responsible for part of Rome's decline. As they say, studying the successes and failures of previous civilizations is crucial, and Julius Caesar is a fascinating subject for students. Who doesn't love a bit of ancient history?
We hope you enjoyed learning about our favorite historical figure costumes! While these are great costumes for students and teachers, they aren't off-limits for Halloween or other costumed events. Who are some of your favorite people from history? Have you worn a historical figure costume before? We'd love to hear from you in the comments. Make learning fun with even more historical costumes!