Creepy Calculations: 2014 Halloween Statistics [Infographic]

by |October 23, 2014
Categories: Infographics

Fun 2014 Halloween Statistsics

Every year it is our pleasure to bring you "Creepy Calculations," a visual compilation of some of Halloween's freakiest facts. This year is no exception! What are some of the 2014's most popular costumes? How much money will Americans spend decorating their homes and filling our bellies with sweet candy treats? Who do people trust more to give them costume advice: friends, family, or Facebook?? We will TELL you! And this year, we'll even SHOW you!

Creepy Calculations: Infographic Version

Just guessing here: You ate too many candy bars and now your fingers are now a sticky mess. (Been there!) Here are the spooky stats in static form. No sticky clicking needed. Enjoy!

Creepy Calculations 2014 Infographic
Infographic created by

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2014 Halloween Statistics: Creepy Calculations Transcript


What Inspires Us: Where Will We Look for Costume Ideas and Inspiration?

Look on an online search engine: 34%

Look in retail stores: 33%

Look to social media: 30%

Look to print media: 21.5%

Look to pop culture: 20%

Look to friends and family: 18.5%

Look to current events: 5%

Look to blogs: 4%


What We're Buying: What Will We Spend Our Money on This Halloween?

Candy: $2.2B

Decorations: $2B

Adult Costumes $1.4B

Child Costumes: $1.1B

Greeting Cards $400M

Pet Costumes $300M


What We're Wearing: What Are 2014's Most Popular Costumes?

1. A Character from Frozen

2. A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

3. A Guardian of the Galaxy

4. A Superhero

5. Maleficent

6. A Ninja

7. A Character From Grease

8. A Character From Star Wars

9. A Character From the LEGO Movie

10 A Sharknado


How We're Celebrating: What Activities Will We Take Part in This Halloween?

Dress in Costume: 122M

Hand Out Candy: 115M

Decorate Home or Yard: 78M

Carve a Pumpkin: 72M

Send Greeting Cards: 58M

Host or Attend a Party: 54M

Take Children Trick or Treating: 48M

Visit Haunted Houses: 33M

Dress Pets in Costume: 23M



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We were definitely surprised that more people plan to send Halloween greeting cards than go to a costume party this year! Maybe we're just party animals? Did anything surprise you? Perhaps that pet costumes alone are a $300 million dollar industry? Woof! Let us know in the comments, pretty please.

Aleksandra Sobic
Aleksandra Sobic

Aleksandra is’s brand manager and senior Mario consultant. She believes that her stature, hair, passion for pink, and reverence of cake, make her the ideal candidate to play Princess Peach on Broadway. Some additional interests include crafting, wine, correcting people’s grammar, obsessing over Jurassic Park (remember, women inherit the earth!), and brainstorming ways to make sexy costume representations of typically un-sexy pop culture characters. Donkey Kong was a breeze but Jabba the Hutt is proving formidable.

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