You have probably heard of a sock hop, but if you’re looking to attend one or perhaps host your own sock hop party, you’re going to need to know a few things. We love parties with a focus on dressing up, so keep reading for tips on what to wear to a sock hop, what kind of music to play and party games for a sock hop. It’s good to be well-informed so you can rock around the clock like a pro!
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When you're pregnant, wearing a Halloween costume may be the last thing on your mind. Halloween costumes for pregnant ladies can be too restrictive or they just don't look right. We get it! That's why we put together this guide to maternity Halloween costumes that make your comfort the first priority! We've got costumes of pop culture icons and traditional Halloween themes, too. We'll also give you some pregnant Halloween costume ideas and tips. So whether you're in your second trimester or you're toting a newborn, let's show you the most comfortable costumes out there.
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So your kids want to be a team for Halloween, and you're in need of a creative group costume combination to create some lasting memories. Truth is, you and your kids probably have similar Halloween goals: they have their hearts set on being an epic group, and yours is set on creating treasured memories. Luckily, we're here to help with both! From classic to cutting-edge, we have creative costume combinations that will have any group of children, and their parents, beaming with pride. Here are some winning combos that will help your kids have the best Halloween to date, while you get to sit back, relax, and enjoy the genius of your handiwork. A win-win, don't you think?
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Summer loving have you a blast? Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson's summer love in Grease is one of the most memorable musical love stories to come out of the '70s. Being part of the Pink Ladies was a girl’s dream. While many boys raced cars pretending they were part of the greaser T-Birds. Still today they are among the most popular Halloween costumes. Its success both critically and commercially even spawned a sequel in 1982. For those less familiar with the movie you likely have questions about it. That’s why we’ve put together a list of top asked questions with their answers.
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Dance is the hidden language of the soul. It doesn't matter whether you're dancing at a party or if you dance professionally, but costumes can make dancing even more fun! These dancing costume ideas can help you portray a certain character, take you back in time for decade-themed parties or help your dancing look completely ridiculous in a good way. (Let's face it, almost everyone loves a good class clown!) Whether you're looking for costumes to dance in that will enhance your movements or give your fellow partiers a good belly laugh, we have a little bit of something here for everyone.
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A pirate, a space alien, a flapper, and the Mad Hatter. These costumes are great on their own, but if you're trick-or-treating with little ones you ought to look at these amazing family costume ideas. Our Back to the Future, Grease, and A League of Their Own costume sets will satisfy your film geek within, or go with the kids' favorite—Harry Potter. You can never go wrong with classic mummy or pirate costumes sets either. Happy Halloween!
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