We love watching how character designs change over time, and one of the most prolific characters for us has been Harley Quinn! Many of her outfits and overall looks are quite different, and yet they somehow all still scream "Harley Quinn". Her passion for fashion makes her one of the most popular cosplay characters for conventions, Halloween, and other costumed events. Just like her outfits, Harley Quinn's makeup varies too! If you're looking for Harley Quinn makeup ideas, we'll be sharing several makeup tutorial videos throughout this video for some of her most popular costumes. Keep reading to find the best Harley Quinn makeup idea for you!
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Harley's back! One of the best parts about Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey was seeing all of her new outfits. She had quite a few new outfits in the film, some of which are easier to recreate than others. (We're looking at you, clear caution tape and ribbon-sleeved jacket!) One of the easiest Harley Quinn outfits to recreate from the new film is her distressed tee and shorts look. If you're looking for a Harley Quinn cosplay that's comfortable, recognizable and a lot of fun, this is the costume for you!
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October 2016 may be dubbed Harleyween, but that doesn’t make us want to dress as her any less this year! It’s no wonder she’s so popular among cosplayers and costume fans – Margot Robbie’s portrayal of the supervillain was the best part of Suicide Squad this August, and the character has been a fan favorite since her first appearance in Batman: The Animated Series in 1992. However, while we think there is nothing wrong with being another Harley at your Halloween party (the more the merrier, puddin’!), we do suggest putting your own twist on it. That’s why for this year, we’ve created an alternate Suicide Squad costume featuring her look from inside the prison: orange jumpsuit, romance novel, and tea cup all included. See below for our full DIY tutorial!
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For a movie that doesn't come out for over a year, Suicide Squad has sure been finding its way into internet headlines an awful lot lately! One day it was a short clip of the Batmobile screeching through closed off Canadian streets, another day it was a paparazzi pic of Jared Leto sipping a latte between takes as The Joker, and on even an additional day, one glorious day, it was an album of...
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Harley Quinn is the Joker's right-hand woman. A deadly combination of intelligence, beauty, athleticism, and psychosis, Harley has been devoted to the Joker - her "puddin"- since the early '90s. Since her inception, she has become one of the most popular of Batman's extensive gallery of...
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