All Posts Tagged 'Rick and Morty'

The 10 Most Unexpected Saw References in TV and Film

by |October 20, 2023
Categories: Horror, Movies, Television

The Most Unexpected Saw References

We didn't realize it when the first Saw film was released, but the horror franchise would have an enormous impact on the entertainment industry. The villain was largely ambiguous while events slowly unfolded, revealing layers of plot that were all occurring at roughly the same time. These techniques and other nuances vaulted Saw into stardom. At the same time, its impact also led to a number of parodies. Naturally, we saw references to Saw in movies like Scary Movie 4 and Insidious, but its influence reached some far corners of pop culture—corners that you might not expect! In no particular order, we'll share some of our favorite Saw references.


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Hey, Morty... *belch* Rick and Morty Halloween Costume, *belch* Morty

by |June 7, 2019

2019 Update: We now carry Rick and Morty costumes including Pickle Rick and Mr. Meeseeks.

If you understood the gibberish in the title of this post, you are probably a Rick and Morty fan. To no surprise, Halloween enthusiasts and Cosplayers are finding all sorts of ways to sport Rick and Morty costumes and, well, we wanted a piece of the belchy action! So listen, Morty , we have the...

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