Hey, Morty... *belch* Rick and Morty Halloween Costume, *belch* Morty

by |June 7, 2019

2019 Update: We now carry Rick and Morty costumes including Pickle Rick and Mr. Meeseeks.

If you understood the gibberish in the title of this post, you are probably a Rick and Morty fan. To no surprise, Halloween enthusiasts and Cosplayers are finding all sorts of ways to sport Rick and Morty costumes and, well, we wanted a piece of the belchy action! So listen, Morty <belch>, we have the perfect <belch> Rick and Morty Halloween costume DIY <belch>, for you, Morty.

But, before we cross dimensions, a little background on the show for those of you who haven't watched it yet. It's yet another Adult Swim instant classic for the kid-grown-ups of the world. That is, of course, if you can tolerate hearing "Morty" every four to five words and have a stomach for what must be the worst acid reflux in cartoon history. In Rick and Morty, we follow a morally ambiguous, all around mega-genius Rick paired with his lowest-IQ-imaginable nephew, Morty. They cross dimensions, travel through time, and basically do whatever they want with the uncomfortable, anxiety-fueled assurance that pretty much any damage can be undone with a little tinkering on Rick's part. Call it your classic odd couple mashup where anything can and will happen with enough time... and add in a lot of belching.

That's about it! Pretty simple. And better yet, so is pulling off a Rick and Morty costume. Without further ado, Morty, here it is, Morty - your guide to a Rick and Morty besties costume for Halloween 2015.



DIY Rick and Morty Cosplay Costume

Rick and Morty Halloween Costume


Lucky for you Rick and Morty fans, this DIY is definitely on the easy end of the spectrum. A few key pieces will do the trick; it’s the personality that you have to provide that’ll really sell this costume.


Products Used

Rick and Morty Products Used for Halloween costume

White Lab Coat       Mad Scientist Wig       Pirate Bottle of Rum

Yellow T-Shirt        Silver Hair Spray

Eyebrow Set       Blue T-Shirt


We’ll be the first to admit that a Morty costume is as simple as pulling a yellow t-shirt on. Because, um. Well, it is. If you aren’t blessed with brown hair like the model, there are always wigs! Do your best to gel it back and then work on furrowing your eyebrows. A Rick costume, on the other hand…


To create a Rick wig, we used this mad scientist wig and a lot of backcombing. You don’t want the wig to fall down into your face, so brush that thing back as much as you can. We actually pinned it back, doused it in hairspray, and let it sit overnight, and that really helped keep it standing straight up the next day. After that, take a bottle of blue or silver hairspray and cover it all up. Tuck your blue t-shirt in, pull on a pair of black pants and hit the bottle. PLEASE be more responsible than Rick is!


The Finished Look

Rick and Morty Costume DIY


And done-zo! Rick, start slurring your words. Drool is optional but applauded. Morty, please be careful. Let us know in the comments if you dress like Rick and Morty for Halloween! If you're looking to include even more friends, there are lots of other characters in the show for additional Rick and Morty costume ideas. It's a great last-minute Halloween costume idea and the people who will get it will love it!

Aleksandra Sobic
Aleksandra Sobic

Aleksandra is HalloweenCostumes.com’s brand manager and senior Mario consultant. She believes that her stature, hair, passion for pink, and reverence of cake, make her the ideal candidate to play Princess Peach on Broadway. Some additional interests include crafting, wine, correcting people’s grammar, obsessing over Jurassic Park (remember, women inherit the earth!), and brainstorming ways to make sexy costume representations of typically un-sexy pop culture characters. Donkey Kong was a breeze but Jabba the Hutt is proving formidable.

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