All Posts Tagged 'Sleepy Hollow'

Best Halloween Towns in America

by |October 25, 2023
Categories: Family, Resource

Best Halloween Towns in America

Halloween is one of America's favorite holidays, but who wants all the fun to fizzle out in one day? Thankfully, it's very common to find local pumpkin festivals, haunted tours, hayrides, and other fall events to keep the festivities going. Some cities go above and beyond to deliver the best Halloween experience you can imagine. Here are ten of the best Halloween towns in America! (Of course, you're bound to find others more local to you if you keep your eyes open.)


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10 Tim Burton Costumes for Halloween

by |October 18, 2023
Categories: Costume Guides, Movies

Tim Burton Costumes

In the world of cinema, few directors possess a visual style as unmistakable as Tim Burton's. His films are a portal to dark yet whimsical universes, where the bizarre becomes beautiful, and the eerie transforms into the enchanting. Tim Burton's style is now regarded as "Burtonesque", with its iconic tall, gaunt figures with sunken eyes and dark, gothic scenery inspired by German expressionism. Such visuals are perfect for Halloween costumes! For fans of Tim Burton, we'll share some of the best Tim Burton Halloween costume ideas.


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