All Posts Tagged 'alien heights'

Alien Species Height Chart: Extra-Tall-Restrials & Little Green Men [Infographic]

by |October 21, 2016
Categories: Horror, Infographics

Alien Heights Infographic

Ever wonder how your favorite alien species from pop culture stack up against each other? We like to imagine just what would go down if they would happen to cross franchises and go toe-to-toe with a species from another movie or TV series. Like, what would happen if Alf waltzed onto the set of Sesame Street and started sizing up Gonzo? (Hint: Alf has the height advantage.) Or what if old school sci-fi aliens faced off, like The Man from Planet X versus the mutant from This Island Earth? We're not sure what would be the bigger advantage, the glass helmet or super-sized brain!? And when it comes to the action packed sci-fi on the big screen, there's all kinds of heavy duty - and terrifying - creatures that could ruin anyone's day. The arachnid bugs from Starship Troopers, the terrifying xenomorphs from Alien, the rancor from Return of the Jedi, or even the the straight up meanies from ID4... well, we hope we never come to face to face with something the likes of them. 


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