All Posts Tagged 'ash'

Pokémon Party Ideas

by |March 7, 2025

Pokémon Party Ideas

Do you have a child who loves Pokémon? Maybe you grew up with Pokémon and want a memorable costume party theme. We'll share some ideas for how to throw a Pokémon costume party for all ages! From costumes and decorations to food and activities, your Pokémon-themed party will be fun for guests around every corner. Let's set off to explore these fun Pokémon party ideas!


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DIY Sexy Ash from Evil Dead 2 Costume

by |October 23, 2015

DIY Evil Dead Ash Halloween Costume


On a scale of one to groovy, how excited are you for the premiere of Ash vs. Evil Dead on Starz this Halloween? In our eyes, Bruce Campbell is one of the reigning kings of horror, and his half-slapstick/half-serious portrayal of Ash in the Evil Dead movies is a staple of October viewing. We just know that the new TV series starring Bruce himself will be a perfect addition to the franchise canon. Armed with a boomstick, a chainsaw, and a gallon of fake blood, we set out to create a sexy, girl costume version of Ash, our hero.



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