All Posts Tagged 'breaking bad'

Costumes That Start With W [Costume Guide]

by |October 19, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Costumes That Start With W

Welcome to the wonderful world of "W" costumes! Whether you're wild, whimsical, or wicked, Halloween is the perfect time to wow your friends with a winning ensemble. From witches and wizards to wacky characters and wondrous superheroes, there's a wealth of wardrobe-worthy options that start with the letter W!


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25 Costume Ideas for Bald Dudes [Costume Guide]

by |September 18, 2024

Costume Ideas for Bald Dudes

When dressing up for Halloween, most people accentuate their best features. Maybe something sleeveless to show off those muscles, or a costume highlighting their long hair or a beard. But some people have a round, shiny noggin and want to dress up in style. That's great and we totally support it! In fact, it's why we put together this ultimate guide of costume ideas for bald dudes! There are so many awesome bald characters that it's going to be tough to pick your favorite bald costume idea.


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14 "Villain"-Tines for Valentine's Day [Printables]

by |February 2, 2015

Villain-Tine Valentines Cards


When it comes to saving the day and winning the hearts of all, heroes like Mario, the princess-saver, Han, the sweet-talking bounty hunter, and Tyrion, the undeniable casanova, get all the attention. You can imagine that if this was elementary school, the Valentine boxes sitting on their desks on February 14th would be stuffed to the brim...

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Blue Ice Bucket Challenge: Breaking Bad DIY

by |August 26, 2014

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has taken over our social media, and with good reason! Donations to the ALS Association have skyrocketed in the last month thanks to this viral fundraising phenomenon. It’s simple really – dump some water on your head, donate money to ALS research, and tell a few of your friends to do the same, all under the hashtag #IceBucketChallenge. Everyone on your Facebook feed has done it. Like, seriously, everyone: your neighbor across the street, your ex-coworker from when you worked at the mall, Kermit the Frog, Mini-Me, George W. Bush, and probably even your own grandma. You’ve seen it all. Well, until today.


Breaking Bad Blue Ice Bucket Challenge Costume


We wanted to get in on...

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Sexy Breaking Bad and Duck Dynasty Costume Ideas

by |October 14, 2013

Sexy Breaking Bad Header Image

Besides a one Miss Miley Cyrus, Walter White and Uncle Si are undoubtedly two of the most in-demand costumes of Halloween 2013. But why should the men folk have all the fun?? We put a sexy female spin on the leading characters from Breaking Bad and Duck Dynasty with a few simple DIY steps. You can easily recreate these looks for yourselves and we'll show you how. Bring on the sexy!!


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DIY: Walter White / Heisenberg Breaking Bad Costume

by |August 8, 2013

DIY Heisenberg  Breaking Bad Costume

Back in the year 2008 we all started to watch the journey of a mild mannered high school teacher who was diagnosed with cancer transform into one of the most terrifying drug kingpins in all the...

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