All Posts Tagged 'halloween makeup'

3 DIY Halloween Makeup Effects: Basic Scar, Black Eye, and Frost Bite

by |October 5, 2024
Categories: DIY, Makeup Tutorials

DIY Halloween Makeup Effects

Here are three step-by-step tutorials on how to create some basic makeup effects for Halloween. Just a few simple techniques can really transform your costume from an outfit out of a bag into a completely memorable look. For each effect, the difficulty is rated out of five, with one being the easiest and five being pretty tricky. Let's go check out some easy Halloween makeup tutorials for beginners!


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3 DIY Halloween Makeup Effects: Infected Zombie Bite, Burned Skin, and a Chelsea Grin

by |October 18, 2014
Categories: DIY, Makeup Tutorials

Gory Halloween Makeup DIYs


In this tutorial post for Halloween makeup effects, we’re going a little more gruesome than last time. These three looks – burned flesh, zombie bite, and Chelsea grin (ripped face) – all utilize the product “liquid latex,” which is in our Special Effects...

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DIY Little Monsters Maurice Costume

Little Monsters DIY Costume


Released in 1989 Little Monsters stars Fred Savage as Brian Stevenson, a 6th Grader who finds himself isolated after moving to a new town. Trouble continues as he begins to be and blamed for strange happenings in his home. Brian soon discovers that the culprit of these mysterious...

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DIY Bloody Mary Costume

by |October 12, 2014

DIY Bloody Mary Costume

You probably have a friend that swears they once summoned Bloody Mary. You may even say so yourself. The story goes that if you say her name in a mirror three times, Bloody Mary will appear. You can read a little more about the Bloody Mary scary story in this collection of campfire stories and urban legends. Is the legend true?  That's easy enough to find out, isn't it? Unless you're scared...


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