All Posts Tagged 'nostalgia'

Unique Halloween Costumes: Be the Only _____ at the Party [Costume Guide]

by |October 16, 2024
Categories: Costume Guides

Unique Halloween Costumes

One of the best parts about Halloween is the chance to dress up in any Halloween costume, no matter how weird. It's the one night you can be whoever (or whatever) you'd like to be. However, no number of pumpkin spice lattes, caramel apples, and piles of candy can fix most people's biggest fear: wearing the same costume as someone else. You get that weird knot in your stomach because what if someone else got the same costume as you? They couldn't...they wouldn't, but they just might. Don't worry, though—we're here to help. We've compiled a list of unique Halloween costumes so you can pick one that your fellow partygoers most likely haven't picked up.


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DIY Jurassic Park Dennis Nedry Costume

by |October 31, 2015
Categories: Costume Tutorials, DIY

Dennis Nedry Header.jpg


The film Jurassic World was kind of a big deal this year, since, you know, it set the all-time record for highest box office sales worldwide and all. BUT. Let's be honest: the best parts of Jurassic World were any nostalgic throwbacks and references to the film that started it all...Jurassic Park! JW is shiny and new, but every character, scene, and line of JP is, and forever will be, classic. If you want to be trendy, go ahead and dress as Owen Grady this year. But if you seek to be hailed a "Halloween hero" by fellow late 80s/early 90s babies this Halloween weekend, go with a classic character from Jurassic Park.

Since we at love a challenge, we didn't opt for the black leather clad Dr. Malcolm, the jeans and khaki sporting Dr. Grant, or even the white-suited straw-hatted John Hammond. The Jurassic Park costume that we chose to recreate were two costumes worn by the Barbasol blundering, vending machine...

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DIY 90s Nickelodeon Game Show Costumes

by |October 5, 2015

We have been obsessed with all things 90s since, well, THE 90s, and it turns out we're not alone in our overwhelming feelings of nostalgia for this delightful decade. Nickelodeon will be launching "The Splat" tonight, a nightly programming block airing from 10PM to 5AM, which will feature the best, best, BEST Nick game shows of our collective youths. Is this real life?? Do we really to get to re-watch Legends of the Hidden Temple contestants get captured by terrifying Temple Guards? Do we really get to cheer for the red contestant on GUTS, as they vie for a piece of the Aggro Crag? YES! The answer is yes.

In honor of this most fantastic new television offering, and because DIY 90s costumes are going to be especially big on Halloween this year, we put together 5 different DIY looks from our favorite Nickelodeon game shows. Many of these Nickelodeon costumes revolve around 90s...

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DIY Little Monsters Maurice Costume

Little Monsters DIY Costume


Released in 1989 Little Monsters stars Fred Savage as Brian Stevenson, a 6th Grader who finds himself isolated after moving to a new town. Trouble continues as he begins to be and blamed for strange happenings in his home. Brian soon discovers that the culprit of these mysterious...

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