Besides a one Miss Miley Cyrus, Walter White and Uncle Si are undoubtedly two of the most in-demand costumes of Halloween 2013. But why should the men folk have all the fun?? We put a sexy female spin on the leading characters from Breaking Bad and Duck Dynasty with a few simple DIY steps. You can easily recreate these looks for yourselves and we'll show you how. Bring on the sexy!!
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The stars of the hit reality show Duck Dynasty are a quirky family that are living the American Dream. Their family-run business making duck calls may have become a multi-million dollar operation but the Robertsons manage to keep grounded with their strong family values. They might find themselves at high-class red carpet events but they always bring their personal flair to being a "sharp dressed man". The Robertson family has brought the camouflage tuxedo look into the spotlight and...
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